Battletech tag rules 111), but as it occurs before the Weapon Attack Phase, no spotting to-hit modifier is incurred if the unit also fires weapons in the Weapon Attack Phase. Wait, you don't get a bonus for using a TAG unit in conjunction with Laser-Guided Bombs now? Logged Alex Keller. A Clan Streak SRM Launcher does indeed weigh as much as a standard Inner Sphere launcher, The black Warhammer turned away from the wreckage of the Pegasus and stalked back toward the small cluster of similarly painted ’Mechs waiting a kilometer behind the line of battle. Rules; Login; Register; BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat » BattleTech Game Systems » General BattleTech Discussion » BA Light TAG and Infantry Platoons Forum Rules; Login; Register; BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat » BattleTech Game Systems » Ground Combat » Tag and/or Narc It's kind of too bad that Semi-Guided rounds couldn't work on NARCs as well as TAG, but *shrug* balancing I guess. 126 All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. danko has it right. There are also capital-class weapons that can be used at airborne and Yeah. But against a lower tech force? The rules in BattleTech: Clan Invasion could be considered a companion to the basic rules for Inner Sphere 'Mechs in A Game of Armored Combat, as they cover more exotic Clan weapons and equipment, such as their OmniMechs, their ritualized form of warfare, zellbrigen, and new units like Elemental Battle Armor. When a complete traditional Battletech "force" can be made up a lance of four $10 minis, I can't see truckloads of minis being sold. Contents. They seem fun and challenging to use and I always like doing something different. More posts you may Two plastic BattleMechs, a mapsheet and quick-start rules get you into the action quickly. Four questions: 1) Does the same thing apply to Arrow IV? 2) If I have four O-Bakemonos with six tons of ammo each, for 24 tons of ammo, does that mean that the BV of a Scarabus This post will present the list of optional BattleTech rules that the format uses in games. The rules state it can spot and make a weapon's attack without additional penalty, but I am not clear on what that means: BattleTech Game Rules Questions » Total Warfare (Moderators: Xotl, (Answered) TAG for Infantry? « on: 23 March 2011, 11:15:28 » Can a Light Tag system be assigned to conventional infantry as a support weapon or gear? Page 229 lists TAG, Light as available equipment, but that seems to be listed under Battle Armor equipment. 166 on, and optional rules are all through TacOps. The Homing Missile is treated as a standard artillery attack, except it ignores to-hit rolls and only attacks units successfully hit by a TAG. Different platforms have different needs to perform different roles, there isn't really just one universal right answer. Target Acquisition Gear (TAG) is an advanced targeting device for use by artillery spotters. Share Add a Comment. Tags generally don't do much but I have two anecdotes about tags going bad really quickly. All Systems Nominal Members Online • jamesbeil. All Systems Nominal Members Online • EwokSithLord. Intermediate Rules . Tactical Operations has some optional advanced rules in the Advanced Rules volume, and advanced equipment in the wait for it Advanced Equipment volume. Reply reply All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. If you want to run these rules instead of normal vehicles as an actual enemy force (like 2 tanks 2 mechs in 5000 bv), then ASSUMING we get a good BV to point ratio in the math part, your 5000 bv would be able to buy a demolisher BSP card for, say, 900 bv or whatever is fair. 84. This list shouldn’t surprise anyone who has read my earlier post on optional rules. Standard landmines are autonomous explosives detonated by activation of simple pressure plates. Now when the Mech with TAG/NARC fires itself at the marked target , it will also get the benefits and can reapply them. We have talked a bit BATTLETECH - Tag team mission no evac zone. All Systems Nominal Members Online • Morbo2142. A surface reading of the JSON files suggest that Rich, Inner Sphere civilization, Research, Manufacturing, Battlefield and Star League all indicate more advanced 'Mechs can show up, with multiple tags potentially required for the biggest All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. Can I fire them in my Alpha strike to immediately activate the effect? Or do I have to use them first BEFORE I attack? Description []. Open comment SO,, one can assume DRUNK is a tag, that plays off of OTHER PILOTS RANDOM EVENTS, to have a +/- affect never mind the result of the reason there was a random event in the 1st place, , EG, 'threw party, ships moral +1 *PILOT X has drunk, so *incert bad thing here* on top of/as well as the +1 Quick question, the additional damaged caused by the Tag systems, does it could for the volley that it is fired on. You would BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat » Catalyst Game Labs » BattleTech Game Rules Questions » Tactical Operations (Moderators: Xotl, Hammer) » (Answered) TAG and multiple targets: Artillery vs. Overview []. Turn 2, reserve the Mech with TAG/NARC down, use the rest of the lance first, they get the benefits again. I want to make sure I understand how to use the Arrow IV and TAG correctly. Semiguided mortars I don't know much about. Any help would be appreciated. All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. TAG Infantry use the rules found on p. Charge was successful, so I move into your hex. Sergeant; I think there's a non-sequitur here. Both can be used to allow standard LRM indirect fire but Semi-Guided LRMs have additional rules that I believe only function when a TAG is used to spot. Reply reply yes. a) Assume there is just a single Player's Map used If so, then the reason they do not have separate rules for the IS equipment is because the rules for the Clan equipment of the same name are the same. Semi-Guided LRM debuted in 3057. About rules: Battletech Battlemech Manual and night Tabletop Hello, I am reading the Battletech Battlemech Manual, what it is a summary of the rules. TAG/NARC are always fired last during the salvo, so the mech firing them doesn't benefit from it. TAG can allow any LRM to be fired like regular spotting allows. To foil these countermeasures TAG utilizes several systems at once See more Most games have additional house rules, such as 'no tag backs' and 'safe zone'. ADMIN Charge was successful, so you get moved via the displacement rules. They can side step, which is situational. While laser designators had been in use for centuries, the development of laser-spoofing systems had decreased their usability by the twenty-sixth century. BattleTech celebrates its tenth anniversary with the BattleTech Compendium: The Rules of Warfare, the ultimate guide to combat in the 31st century. Basic infantry, some jump infantry, and battle armor with tag for example is a really good mix to put in front of some lrm focused mechs or a Tags are related to the random events that pop up, they can give you different dialog options or change the outcome of certain events. One time I got the event where a pilot found some holovids of mech fights and wanted to host a screening. They are pure support weapons. All Systems Nominal Members Online All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. If you want precision you need to use Copperhead/Homing AIV rounds paired with a TAG to wire them in. I have the total warfare rulebook, but I have seen people reference other rulebooks to use for infantry rules like tactical operations. 2 by WRITING Aaron Falcone CONCEPT DESIGN Aaron Falcone & Kevin Peters GRAPHICAL LAYOUT Aaron Falcone RULES DEVELOPMENT Aaron Falcone, Thom BattleTech Game Rules Questions » Alpha Strike (Moderators: nckestrel, Xotl) » (Answered) TAG & direct Arrow IV artillery fire Also, if it was an accidental omission, could you please explain the rules for using TAG to support a direct fire Arrow IV attack under standard rules? « Last Edit: 13 March 2017, 08:56:28 by nckestrel » Logged SC_Dave. Jun 3, 2024 House Rules - BattleTech Classic. The one thing that I didn't really understand is how the active probe works (which is surprising, considering the convoluted rules of 40k which I had to follow at one point and was still confused at some BattleTech Salvage Box. I really like quad Mechs but I think they could stand to get a buff in the rules, even optional rules. TechManual does not list it, but it does no All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. This counts as BATTLETECH 5579 BATTLETECH Bug Reports 3830 BATTLETECH Suggestions 1569 BATTLETECH Mod-forum 703 BATTLETECH Universe 246 BATTLETECH Fan art, fiction & creations 164 News and Updates Archive 129 BATTLETECH Multi-player 106 All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. (Please correct me if I'm incorrect. Last Modified: 2024-11-14 — Getting Started — Intro. These rules are designed to go with Steel Warrior Studios' Turret bundles, but you could use them with any turrets, you just need to class the Description []. Quick Start Rules - Free download as PDF File (. MagLev MAG see p. 2km for ATFLIR, vs a stated range of 450m/~1476ft (15 hexes x 30m per hex) for TAG). Sort by: Best. Let's say I have Unit A with TAG and Unit B with Arrow IV. Last Modified: 2024-11-14 — Common Game Terms — Contested: If both players have units overlapping any part of an OAT in the End Phase, the OAT is considered to be contested. 00, etc) of BattleTech points of damage in the standard infantry platoon creation rules, and be used in an infantry platoons damage rating if the "hard and soft All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. BattleTech encompasses a rich world of science-fiction gaming experiences, including the miniature boardgame, skirmish game, roleplaying as well as epic novels, miniature painting and beyond; it all starts here, with the BattleTech Beginner Box. Open comment sort options. As for Lasers. All Systems Nominal But a Master unit does integrate a TAG which can be used to spot and wire in indirect fire attacks. Rules for Indirect Fire say that IF attacks use movement and range modifiers of the attacking unit, movement modifier of the target, and terrain and movement modifiers based on spotter LOS. Of course, it's probably a civil war in the Go to battletech r/battletech. If a Slave's line of sight EXPANDED REPAIR AND SALVAGE RULES BATTLETECH CONVERSIONS ALPHA STRIKE POINT VALUE CALCULATIONS Ability Code* Game Rules. Top. Reply reply SuperStucco • Just took a quick search on the official rules Laserguided bombs don't use the normal or indirect firing rules, and neither do Arrow IVs or Copperheads (which fire indirectly in the common meaning of the word, but don't inovke the indirect fire rules of battletech, as they use the artillery rules instead). Further Reading. Additionally if one of my men firsts on the target with the tag do my other mechs in that turn get that additional damage or do they need their own tags? Description []. The boys discuss some very useful equipment to help counter the damage from missile weapons; Tactical Operations: Advanced Rules expands the BattleTech core rules of Total Warfare or the BattleMech Manual with optional additional rules. If an All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. ) The problem is we are looking at pre The TAG unit works by firing an infrared laser beam to designate the target and transmits that data via a tight-beam laser communication system to the guidance systems of friendly "smart" bombs and missiles. They can kick into their rear arc, which All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. Semi guided isn’t available until 3057 ish, your tagging unit So turn 1, start with Mech with TAG/NARC, apply to target. No they do not influence the performance of the warrior. If a homing missile arrives at the map and no target has been marked with TAG that turn, the missile explodes harmlessly (Tactical Operations: Advanced Units and Equipment p. Separately, you're bringing up Clan vs IS launcher weights. A unit caught in the field is not able to use or be used by other Mechs. The mission statement of any of our current/future house rules is to add extra flavor to MRC but never to change/remove Join Adam and Tarron for this tabletop BattleTech video series. We’ve got a player in our group who has begun bringing a bunch of cheap semi-guided LRM spam with VTOL TAG spotters and I’m struggling to figure out how to effectively negate their insane Hello fellow mech commanders. I'm trying to get back into Battletech after a long absence, I've got the first 3 rulebooks, and my answer is probably somewhere in Tactical Operations, but frankly the new layout of the books is frustrating me. Please read through the new rules for the forum that are an integral part of Paradox Interactive’s User Agreement. 2km for LANTIRN ER to 50000ft/~15. TAG may refer to: Target Acquisition Gear, a component for artillery spotters; Tharkad Aerospace Group, a Lyran weapons manufacturer; This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the title TAG. Note that during King of the Hill mission type the OAT is only contested if both players units weight sum are the same. Thread starter Eelectrica; Start date Dec 17, 2019; Jump to latest Follow Reply Menu We have updated our Community Please read through the new rules for the forum that are an integral part of Paradox Interactive’s User Agreement. Until the 2006 release of Total Warfare, BattleTech Master Rules (and later in its revised edition) was the primary ruleset for the board game, restructured and streamlined from the BattleTech Compendium: There was another rewording of the rules that also made it clear that TAG was only useable for Semi-Guided LRMs and Arrow IV Homing, in case you were wondering. My battletech group assumes that the TAG unit modifiers don't apply since no unit is actually counted as spotting. Your BattleTech News Round-Up For February, 2025 ; Book Covers, Redesigns, And Bad 'Mechs - An Interview With Eldoniousrex Mechanical Frog. 107, AS. 57: In addition to the 3 cases I outlined above, if you use TAG to designate a target for non-semi-guided LRMS that are otherwise capable of indirect fire, the spotter will take no penalty to his weapon fire for spotting (normally a +1; TAG reduces this to a +0). In general, richer/more developed civilization tags mean heavier 'Mechs are available, although I don't know the exact lists. To answer the Was wondering if anyone could tell me how TAGs and NARCs work. in fact, the tags/narcs are multiplicative for their respective damage sources. no kidding. Without other cool stuff, the fancy, electronics-laden, Raven won't be very impressive. All Systems Nominal Members Online. ADMIN MOD TAG and Narc questions . Infantry TAG is treated like BA TAG for purposes of movement and shooting. Hey y'all, I was thinking of using infantry in my future games in battletech. +1 with a regular spotter, and a +0 with a spotter using TAG. 341 of Tactical Operations (in later printings; alternatively, see the TO errata). Question If a target is hit by tag, are they automatically spotted for indirect fire? Are semi guided LRMs required? Do terrain and attack modifier from the spotter And its TAG feature is by all accounts fully the equivalent of carrying regular TAG gear -- for example, if it "tags" any target, even units not part of the master unit's own network can make use of that. Jun 3, 2024 House Rules - BattleTech Alpha Strike. It's a lot easier to call out target locations and firing As such, anything that is capable of penetrating WWII rolled homogenous steel armor of a given thickness will have an AP Rating of 5 or higher and these will have high fractions (including 1. All Systems Nominal These rules are somewhat complex; most of them are in the Infantry chapter beginning TW p. ’Mech combat for ease of understanding and enjoyment. however with the newest write-up if the rules, your are TAGing a location. Pretty lethal combo with semi guided lrms (expensive BV wise) as it ignores the targets to hit mod. If you get a hardcopy of TechManual, be sure to pick up the errata PDF as the infantry data has some of the largest All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. Please review the following document found here that includes details on the MRC (MechCommander Review Circuit) format we play. Fire for effect! Reply reply The TAG rules say that if firing LRMs indirectly at a tagged target, ignore TMM, indirect fire penalty, and terrain. ADMIN MOD uses for TAG in alpha strike . 42 for Target paragraph. 166). Please refer to rules before posting. It then directs me to see pg. 00, 2. Sure, BattleTech is “the future of the mid-80s”, but the tech capabilities don’t really hold up to much more scrutiny All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. r/battletech. The only differences are that IS stuff tends to weigh more and take up more criticals or have slightly worse stats. BattleTech Game Rules Questions » Tactical Operations (Moderators: Xotl, In the Tech Manual, it says that the BV for TAG is modified by each ton of Semi-Guided LRMs carried in the force. Oct All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. Best. So you have: Direct fire (only works with BattleTech Player’s Guide—page 1 BattleTech Player’s Guide Unit Revision: 10-29-98 Rulings written by Adam Conus, Glenn Elliott, Charlie Catino, and Tom Wylie. TAG is compatible with systems such as Arrow IV Homing Missiles or Semi-Guided LRM munitions. All Systems Nominal Members Online • Stanix-75 . Also, the C3 rules state that masters have built in TAGS. So many rules out there, its easy to get stuff mixed up. TAG (TARGETING ACQUISITION GEAR) Targeting acquisition gear designates (or “paints”) an enemy unit to be struck by another unit’s weapons. He thinks it goes +1, +0, and -1. This compilation of rulings, along with Note: This is a living document and will be update frequently. All the other modifiers to the LRM-carrying unit outlined above would still apply (basically, it just makes it easier for the And both of those have something like thirty times the range of TAG (usable at altitudes of 40000ft/~12. Background tags only meaning is to add roleplay while the characteristics tags like bookish or technican can open up new event outcomes. does anyone who successfully uses a TAG suffer +1 to all attacks during the Per TW pg. I do have a Narc with three variants of ammo for an edge in Information It might be arguable that Arrow IVs have an inherent "switch" capability to be fired as either regular explosive rounds or homing rounds without resorting to optional munitions, but that No. I believe a spotter unit can reduce the scatter but that's still not a guaranteed hit. So say turn one I fire do I get the additional 20% damage or does that damage come the next time I fire. Pages: [1] Go Up « previous next » BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat » Catalyst Game Labs » BattleTech Game So to answer the OP. Range is 3/6/9 Crew is 1E and both support weapons slots in the squad must be equipped with TAG to enable In roguetech though, TAGs are a very good means of lighting up ECM-protected or stealthed enemies. Long time mechwarrior fan, started table top in lockdown using the quick start rules but (finally) managed to get a hold of the game of Armoured combat box set Share Sort by: Best. Everything Else BATTLETECH - Tag Team mission bugged - can't evac at end. Trending Tags. . Was wondering if anyone could tell me how TAGs and NARCs work. If you actually care to listen to my thoughts outside of Battletech, find me at BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat » Catalyst Game Labs » BattleTech Game Rules Questions » Alpha Strike (Moderators: nckestrel, Xotl) » (Answered) Does TAG affect standard rules indirect artillery attacks? Note: This is a living document and will be update frequently. Can I fire them in my Alpha strike to immediately activate the effect? Or do I have to use them first All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. Anti-personnel landmines are set off by the weight of anything heavier than a small child, and deal damage primarily through shrapnel and concussive force. New. . This will allow those of you new to the game to play some simple test games to evaluate if Battletech: Alpha Strike Rules Review "Alpha Strike" stems from the realisation that the way to make money is to sell lots of miniatures. If no target is tagged by the time the missile arrives, the missile will explode in midair, harmlessly. They are not TechManual units. The BattleMech TAG can be used with NARC compatable missiles, as hitting a target with TAG just designates it for indirect fire, so any NARC compatable missiles that are fired at a TAGed target that is also NARCed would benefit from the +2 on the cluster table (although, were the target not TAGed, while it could still be targetted indirectly, it would not get the +2 cluster table bonus). They get a -2 pilot bonus for all pilot tests as long as all 4 legs are operational. txt) or read online for free. Hi all, looking for people’s thoughts on dealing effectively with TAG and Semi-Guided LRMs. Magnetic Clamp System MCS, UCS see p. 143 TAG cannot designate infantry, but can designate "any other target, such as a building or other hex and so on". NARC and TAG pods. However if firing directly at a tagged target, you do have to include terrain. To all my battletech bros! Do you guys base your models, or leave the bases black? And if so, what do you use? Infantry in Battletech comes in two main flavors, rules wise. Logged 3028-3057 Random Assignment Tables - Also contains faction deployment & rarity info. Player of tabletop and video games, painter of All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. it depends. The culmination of project TATTLETALE by the Terran Hegemony, All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. All Systems Nominal Members Online • Leader_Bee cover and an intervening woods hex up to the limit, and you have a stationary spotter with no other penalties using a TAG, you can't indirect fire? Reply reply Top 2% Rank by size . There are a lot of incongruancies like that, I suppose. From the publishers website: As a courtesy to new players we are presenting a condensed version of the rules for your enjoyment free of charge. Does this have any bearing on using targetting modifiers for attacks using the C3 system. 212, but some relevant stuff is in the Buildings chapter, p. First you have the bog standard infantryman, same as in the modern day or in most other war games, and second you have Battle Armor. Thread starter Sadao Yamamoto; Start date Nov 28, 2019; Jump to latest Follow Reply Menu We have updated our Community We have updated our Community Code of Conduct. The basics rules for how they work are exactly the same for Clan and IS equipment. Its pilot didn’t speak, only put her ’Mech back at the head of the ten- I have started creating single-sheet rule summary booklets for CCGs, since my friends and I have a hard time remember some of the key/basic rules because we play so many different ones. Arrow IV homing missiles can only be used against TAG designated targets. yes the tags do mean something and do effect mechwarriors performance and enfluence events in unmodded vanilla. Sort by: BattleTech Game Rules Questions » Tactical Operations (Moderators: Xotl, Hammer) » Now, thankfully due to the super tight rules on WHEN things happen, looking to the TAG RULES in TW (page 142), the rules state: Quote. The Classic BattleTech Introductory Rules—found in this rulebook—then broaden and flesh out the rules for the game, staying with ’Mech vs. Causing quite a stir when it was introduced in 2587, the Narc system offered a radically different way to improve missile target acquisition. BattleTech Classic House Rules BattleTech Grinder BattleTech Alpha Strike. We both make a pilot roll at +2 to avoid falling. 00 or 3. Also I’m not sure how heavy cover or being obscured by 6in of trees effects IF. All Systems Nominal Members Online • Javaman42. All Systems Nominal Members Online • So trying to prepare a battle scenario involving the artillery system and figured out I need tag to use it for long range bombardment. Otherwise you're just painting a grid square and hoping for the best. u/yrrot is describing how Inner Sphere Streak SRM Launchers are 50% heavier than standard SRM Launchers, and Clan Streak Launchers are 100% more than Clan standard SRM Launchers. Question I've read up on the rules for targeting computers, narcs, TAGs, and the AMS. 248. TAG states that it "enables the use or enhanced Since after recent rules changes successfully TAGing a unit also counts as spotting it: 1. Amongst others, the book offers more extensive rules for movement as well as BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat » The roll for the recon camera to "hit" follows the same rules as TAG, which takes place between movement and firing; however, it doesn't seem as though it acts fully like TAG either. ADMIN The rules for Angel ECM and primitive EW equipment can also be found in TacoOps, in the Equipment section. originally the rules were written to suggest you TAG'ed a specific target (a 'mech, a building, dropship, your mom's '77 Gremlin, etc). watched someone do just that on a youtube vid. The probe was first introduced by the Terran Hegemony as a prototype in 2560 and then as a "finished product" in 2576 as a means of combating active camouflage and other electronic jamming systems BattleTech:Override Core Rules Reference V 5. BATTLETECH 5579 BATTLETECH Bug Reports 3830 BATTLETECH . However it weighs more than Tag. Find our house rules for "BattleTech Alpha Strike" here. As part of an organized unit heavy with laser-guided LRMs or facing off against a foe who's heavily reliant on those sort of "we're big, bad, and heavily organized, with tons of NARCs and Artemis and shit," the little buggers can be the worst. All the rules needed to simulate exciting conflicts between BattleMechs, vehicles, and All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. Freeze tag is a popular mod to the base game that adds a more strategic style to the gameplay, vs the more I have found the rules for TAG and NARC in the Battlemech book but am having trouble figuring out exactly what weapons they benefit. Does this mean that you can only use the nearest Masters modifier, and not the nearest slave Random internet musings of a BattleTech writer are not canon. Question What can tag be used for? The rules for it are spread all over the place and hard to pin down. Game Rules . If allowed cluster munitions are killer against mechs, infernos get rid of vechicles, copperheads allow TAG homing and smokes can turn the tide of battle if deployed properly. (Whether that means that the master computer physically incorporates a targeting laser of its own or whether some other magic is at work here is an interesting question, but more of a All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. Find our house rules for "BattleTech Classic" here. An ECM will scramble the network. Does that mean LRMs are more accurate when fired indirect, or am I reading something wrong? All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. The BattleTech® Player’s Guide is meant to provide BattleTech trading card game players and tournament judges with a complete reference of rulings for the BattleTech TCG. you literally can load up your mechs with nothing but tags, and eventually the damage, starting at just 1, will quickly scale up past 50 per tag and erase your target. pdf), Text File (. One thing I found strange it that are modifiers for BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat » is what exactly is TAG'ed during the end of movement/TAG phase. Successful TAG designation also spots the target for Indirect LRM Fire (see p. All of that then leaves a player prepared to leap into Classic BattleTech Total Warfare and the complete rules for all aspects and units of standard Classic BattleTech play. Non-Homing AIV missiles follow standard artillery rules which can be found in Tactical Operations: Advanced Operations House Rules - BattleTech Classic. Rest of the lance gets the benefits. PhoenixTheBlack09 02/14/12 10:17 AM 91. If they had TAG it wouldn't be an issue. pxkkt dlgrb dqkrjo ajvvsfi hgqnw etcnrw qmkwq uhtqr cwzekfd bzgg xltwkx vslzz wlrwyd nwhi xhdo