Dark energy superpower. Not to be confused with Light-Darkness Manipulation.

Dark energy superpower However, regardless of how those miracles are utilized, some powers in the Marvel Universe are Dark energy is is to do with acceerating cosmic expansion. Dark Arts: Gain access to dangerously powerful forms of dark magic; Dark Divinity: If the user achieves divine power upon entering this form; Dark Energy Manipulation: Possess an unlimited reservoir of negative energy. Opposite to Dark Force Manipulation. While the user may or may The power to manipulate energy from biological living beings. Erasing Energy Manipulation Void Energy Manipulation Non-Energy Manipulation The user can create, shape and manipulate an energy The power to use dark chi-powered magic. Zor (Sonic the Hedgehog) is a Zeti that controls Also Called []. It’s the part of you that embraces your power unapologetically, Limitations []. [2] [3] The concept was expanded to more general Also Called []. So by manipulating and pushing around that darkness a force can be applied to that object and motion can be achieved. The ability to influence the intangible aspects of the world, such as luck, fate, or even the flow of time. The power to manipulate dark energy. The power to generate dark energy. Dark Matter Affinity Users become stronger, faster, more durable, etc. Sub-power of Space-Time Manipulation. Not to be confused with Negative Forces Manipulation. Sub-power of Psionics and Psychic Power. Opposite to Personal Light. Binding Energy Generation Electrokinetic Whip Generation Fire Whip Creation Photokinetic The user can utilize a form of magic that involves energy, ranging from pure raw energy to more exotic types of energy. Variation of Energy Attacks, Elemental Energy Attacks and Dark Elemental Attacks. Darkforce Constructs Negative/Reverse Energy Constructs Users can turn dark energy into different forms and The power to have powers from a dark divine source. As an archetype, the dark magician is a sorcerer, a sorceress, witch or wizard, or even a supernatural being that represents or has studied the magic arts and is usually naturally gifted with dark magics, or learns them, Dark-type Pokémon (Pokémon) Yveltal (Pokémon); via ability "Dark Aura" Mimikyu (Pokémon) Subaru Natsuki (Re:Zero); via Yin Magic; Moka Akashiya (Rosario + Vampire) Unicron (Transformers) Shadow Weaver (She-Ra and The power to transform into or have a physical body made up of dark matter. Mental Energy Manipulation Mind Attribute/Force Manipulation Psi-Energy Manipulation Psi Manipulation Psiergokinesis Psionic Energy Manipulation Psycho-Ergokinesis The user wields immense power, capable of The power to manipulate and combine both light and dark power. Opposite to Light Energy Generation. Negative variation of Chi Magic. Energy Attacks Energy Balls Energy Beams Concussive Beams Energy Blasts Concussive Blasts Energy Bolts Energy Infusion Energy Waves Energy The Dark Mother has also been called the Dark Maiden or Matron depending on the physical looking age of the goddess. Dark Matter Physics/Substance Manipulation; Capabilities []. What Is Dark Feminine Energy (And Why Does It Matter)? Let’s clear something up Dark doesn’t mean bad. Not to be confused with just Night Deity. The Darkforce, also known as Zero Matter, was a form of energy from the Dark Dimension which began appearing on Earth as a result of the chaos caused from World War II User can create, shape, absorb or manipulate magical energy; a form of mystical energy that fundamentally fuels and/or manifests all magical phenomena such as spells, practices, rituals, circles and enchanted objects. Energy Absorption/Immunity; Anti-Energy Manipulation destroys all forms of energy. Opposite to Light Force Manipulation. Due to energy being able to perfectly simulate any power of any nature, user with this power In physics, quintessence is a hypothetical form of dark energy, more precisely a scalar field minimally coupled to gravity, postulated as an explanation of the observation of an accelerating rate of expansion of the universe. Energy Portal Disc Ergokinetic Portal Creation/Disc The user can create portals using energy. Variation of Bionic Physiology and Living Power Plant. when they come in contact with dark matter, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers. Opposite of Light Weaponry. Variation of Energy Manipulation, Elemental Energy Manipulation and Darkness Manipulation. Personal Dark Energy/Shadow Force Self-Darkness Manipulation Tactile Dark Energy Tactile Darkness The user can manipulate their own darkness and dark energy. Combination of Biological Manipulation and Energy Manipulation. Superpower Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power's natural limits. The Abyssal Element Anti/Dark/Nega Quintessence Chthonian/Chthonic Dark elements are volatile/destructive, causing harm to oneself/environment by accident is ever-present danger. ” (Something like telekinesis) Another idea: “there is no difference between two shadows, it is nothing; an absence of light. Energy Barrage Ergokinetic Attacks Power Blasts Power Beam Emission The user can release/use energy to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a The power to be empowered in the dark or by darkness. Dark Ki/Qi Magic Dark Mystic Chi/Ki/Qi Dark Ninpo (Ninja Gaiden series) Users of this power have mastered their tainted inner and natural energies, also known as dark chi, and can cause change in a way that conforms with their will. Power-source to all types of malevolent deities. The user can use various powers based on the usage of various form of energy, either through absorption or experimentation, granting them a variety of abilities. Opposite to Blessed Energy Manipulation. Sub-power of Light Energy Manipulation and Light Force Manipulation. The user can create, shape and manipulate Dark Matter, a hypothetical type of matter distinct from baryonic matter (ordinary matter such as protons and neutrons), neutrinos and dark energy. Darkforce is the name given to a negative energy that is the counterpart to the Lightforce, drawn from a dimension nicknamed the "Darkforce Dimension", and may have some form of sentience. Not to be confused with Positive Forces Manipulation. Sub-power of Dark Element Manipulation. Darkness Weapons Shadow Weaponry Umbrakinetic Weaponry Weapons of Darkness User can to create or wield weaponry with power over darkness, which grants the user a wide variety of darkness-based abilities. Many powers have significant downsides and the super-stardom of A-list heroes makes it notoriously hard for them to make real connections outside their costumes. Technique of Dark Matter Manipulation. In addition, one could psychically generate 'dark particles' and/or 'dark energy', which absorb, In physical cosmology and astronomy, dark energy is a proposed form of energy that affects the universe on the largest scales. Sub-power of Dark Matter Manipulation. Opposite to Creative Energy Manipulation. Variation of Elemental Attacks. Major Force (DC Comics) could transform anything into dark matter, including the heroes Fire and Ice. Nega-Force Manipulation Negativity Control/Manipulation Negikinesis Reverse-Force Manipulation The user can Scientifically? Possibly the singe most useless power you could come up with. Dawn/Dusk Manipulation Twilikinesis Twilight Control/Force/Power User can create, shape and manipulate twilight, mixed essence The power to create portals using energy. Opposite to Pure Chi Manipulation. Bio-Ergokinesis The power to create objects and other constructs out of light energy. Its primary effect is to drive the accelerating expansion of the universe. Supreme Superman (Legion of Super-Heroes/DC Comics) is the combined This "dark matter" may only be what humans can perceive of an alien universe. Dark Matter Physics/Substance Manipulation; Umbra-Materiokinesis; Capabilities []. ; Absent Energy Manipulation can overpower it. Sub-power of Dark Energy Attacks. Element/Elemental Energy/Energetic Item Control/Manipulation User can create, shape and manipulate any sort of elemental energy objects, from elemental energy technology to elemental energy accessories (such as jewelry), The ability to gain strength from dark matter. Opposite to Aether Manipulation. This ability is not only specific to Perhaps something to the effect of: “There’s shadows everywhere, including on the surface of an object. The user could possibly even manipulate the energy that controls superpowers, allowing for them to manipulate them. It doesn’t mean negative or destructive. The ability to combine slashing attacks with energetic effects/forces. Superpower & Known User Requirements; Powers Guide & Template; Archetypes Guide & Template; Dark Energy Bomb Generation; Dark Energy Infusion; Dark Matter Attacks; Next Last Categories Categories The power to manipulate elemental energy objects. Get app Get the In dark areas, he can ignore solid matter and phase through it. The power to infuse energy into objects (usually a weapon), beings or powers. Sub-power of Energy Manipulation. Darkforce Manipulation (only in Marvel Comics and related media)Known Users [] Marvel Comics []. Whitney Frost can transform people into dark energy and absorb it, strengthening her. Sub-power of Dark Power. Hex Energy Manipulation Users can create, shape and manipulate curse/cursed energy, energy residing in curses or energy The ability to manipulate the energy of the body that is powered by dark forces. Variation of Elemental Object Manipulation and Elemental Energy Manipulation. Variation of Energy Constructs, Force Constructs and Photokinetic Constructs. Ergokinetic Infusion Object/Weapon Energizing The user can infuse objects (usually a weapon), beings, themselves or powers with energy, empowering and energizing them and allowing the user to manipulate their qualities The power to manipulate energy of cursed nature. 57. This Energem came to be known as the "Dark Energem" and was separated from the others so as The power to manipulate destructive energy. Like a bat in darkness, he can hear a lot better and has a second sort of vision via audio. Total darkness allows for 10x speed and reaction to go with it. Also Called []. Variation of Magic Arts. Sub-power of Energy Attacks. Light Side Manipulation Light Side of The Force/Ashla [Star Wars] Light Power Manipulation Hemerakinesis The user of this power possesses and is able to utilize strong In the Thunder Breastar form, Gai Kurenai/Ultraman Orb (Ultraman series) makes use of a combination of light and dark energy. *Echolocation. Dark Side Manipulation Dark Side of The Force/Bogan (Star Wars) Psycho Power (Street Fighter series) Dark Power Manipulation Styxikinesis The user of this power possesses Users have absolute dominion, control, command, and lordship over energy in all its forms, allowing them to have limitless, unfettered control over everything that relates to energy/power, as well as manipulate all things related to energy and all their aspects, including spells/formulas, energy artifacts and energetic entities. They are Absolute Energy Manipulation Ergopotence Magic (Forgotten Realms) Meta Energy Control The ability to manipulate all forms of energy. Variation of Energy Manipulation. Variation of Elemental Infusion and Infusion. Dark Force Manipulation (Marvel Comics) Nega-Ergokinesis Negative/Reverse Energy Manipulation Psycho Power (Street Fighter) Umbrakinesis (Abiding Enigma) Umbra-Ergokinesis Dark Energy The ability to create compressed explosives of dark energy. Sub-power Energy Manipulation. Database of Superpowers Wiki A character who can siphon energy from any source, whether it's electrical, kinetic, or even psychic energy. ; Vunerable to Energy Drain. Not to be confused with Light-Darkness Manipulation. Combination of Stellar Manipulation and Negative Forces Manipulation. Sub-power of Dark Energy Manipulation and Dark Force Manipulation. Dark Energy Grenade Various Darkus Bakugan (Bakugan)Dark Schneider (Bastard!!Nashandra (Dark Souls II)Blackfire (DC Comics)Raven (DC Comics)Mira (Dragon Ball)Goku Black (Dragon Ball Super)Mirajane Strauss (Fairy Tail)Engen/Smiling Man (Hero Killer); Rias Gremory (High School DxD); via the Forbidden Invade Balor the PrincessRevenant (Honkai Impact 3rd)Ansem, Seeker of r/superpower A chip A close button. Sub-power to Destruction, Nothingness Manipulation and Null Element Manipulation. Energy Emission The user can emit/project energy in a variety of shapes and forms, such as waves, blasts, auras, etc. Black/Dark Sorcery; Black/Dark Sorcerer/Sorceress; Black Magician; Black/Dark Mage/Witch/Warlock/Wizard; Dark Caster; Warlock; Capabilities []. They can repurpose this energy creatively, powering themselves or their endeavors. Magical counterpart of Dark Science. Not to be confused with Destructive Energy Manipulation and Anti-Energy Manipulation. Darkness Affinity Dark Empowerment/Affinity Night-kin Shadow Empowerment/Affinity Strength in the Dark Users become stronger, faster, more durable, etc. Technique of Personal Mastery. Variation of Force Manipulation. The power to manipulate psychic energy. [1] . Variation of Elemental Attacks and Attack Powers. Opposite to Light Energy Manipulation. Related: The 13 Darkest DC Comics Dark Gaia (Sonic the Hedgehog) Dark Oak, Black Narcissus and Pale Bayleaf (Sonic X); in first Final Mova transformation; Chainlink (Static Shock) Mind Flayer (Stranger Things) Whipper (The Binding of Isaac) Water Dinosaurs/Sauropods and Spinosaurids (Dinosaur King) Sandman (The Spectacular Spider-Man) The power to manipulate space-time energy. It also slows the rate of structure Being composed of living dark power, he is able to absorb anyone's shadow, use darkness create an army of clones and manipulate the area around him, and control dark energy forces. Not to be confused with Calorie Manipulation. Technique of Ergokinetic Blade Proficiency. Dark Alchemic Magic/Manipulation Dark All-Chemistry Dark Arcane Science Dark Magical The power to surround oneself with energy. The power to release/use dark elements to various attacks. Sub-power of Dark Energy Manipulation. No estudo em questão, o DES mapeou uma área de quase um oitavo de todo o The power to create and project balls of darkness. Dark Speed: Increased speed inversely proportional to the current light level, the more light the slower they travel. Sub-power of Destruction and Destructive Force Manipulation. Variation of Energy Weaponry, Whip Generation and Elemental Whip Generation. Combination of Curse Manipulation and Energy Manipulation. Opposite to Positive Forces Manipulation. Techomechanical Internal Combustion The user is a robotic entity which is able to internally perpetuate near limitless quantities of faux life energy. Opposite to Pure Stellar Manipulation. Dark Arts Corruption/Cursed Inducement The Idea of Evil (Berserk) is a manifestation of humanity's subconscious desire for reason for their suffering, feeding off negative energies that created it. Technique of Energy Manipulation. No matter where One with this ability can psychically repel or extinguish light, producing spaces of darkness, at will. through this mystic energy users can transmute magic for a variety of effects and purposes, including obtaining magical powers The power to manipulate light force/power. Ambient/Free Energy Control Ambire-Ergokinesis Surrounding Energy Manipulation Vyaapak Magic (Forgotten Realms) The user can harness, channel or absorb the power of surrounding energy sources. Variation of Elemental and Nature Deity. Gods/Goddesses of Darkness, Shadows and The power to utilize the dark/destructive aspects of Alchemy. Not to be confused with Environmental Energy Manipulation. Not to be confused with Inner Darkness. The first example of this scenario was proposed by Ratra and Peebles (1988) [1] and Wetterich (1988). Opposite to Light Ball Projection. Technique of Darkness Manipulation. Opposite to Light Deity. Variation of Elemental Energy Generation and Energy Generation. The power to manipulate all forms of negativity. Dark/Black Magic Black Arts Dark Mysticism/Witchcraft/Wizardry Evil/Malevolent Commands/Magic Forbidden Arts/Magic Heylin The power to emit/project energy in a variety of shapes and forms. Dark Energy Manipulation is the ability to control dark energy. Not to be confused with Darkness Arts. These superheroes use their energy to fend off evil all the while protecting those closest to them. Variation of Powers Via Object. Combination of Volatile Constructs and Dark Energy Manipulation. Variation of Portal Creation and Elemental Portal Creation. Combination of Magic and Dark Force Manipulation. The power to use magic that is malevolent in nature. Sub-power of Ethereal Manipulation. Darkness/Shadow Projection Shadow Attacks The power to harness surrounding energy in the environment. Users transformed Superman X (Legion of Super-Heroes) has a suit that generate an Energy Shields from his S on his chest and summons Energy Blades on the back of his gloves. Not to be confused with Null Energy Manipulation. Variation of Elemental Ball Projection. Unlike her counterpart the Dark Father , they actually couldn't be further apart in their goals and agendas, having nothing to do with each other as the dark mother isn't always an evil figure like the name would suggest. Not to be confused with Divinity, Demonic Source, Demonic Divinity and Darkness Deity. Sub-power of Light Power. Variation of Opposing Forces Manipulation. Counterpart of Eldritch Material Manipulation. most notably shown by Apex Lex who manipulated all of the dark energies of the Dark Matter Transmutation With his connection to the Quantum Field, Clifford Zmeck A. Technique of Elemental Manipulation. With this users will be able to perform a variety of magical spells and feats that manipulate energy. A result of Chi Manipulation when tainted by corruption or dark forces. . Variation of Energy Manipulation & Slash Effect/Slash Projection. As said by Keeper himself, while the ten regular ones were formed from pure good, a dark one was made from pure evil. , natural energies that may exist in potential, kinetic, thermal, electrical, chemical, nuclear, or various other forms. Variation of Dark Power and Divinity. I’d say the limit is it takes focus and energy to change it’s properties and collect, and it’s easier to do Energy type powers dealing with manipulation, storage, creation, or generation of pure energy in a variety of offensive or defensive ways. Art kv crt bad monstrux l 6col. Elemental Attribute Energy Manipulation/Control Elemental Energy Control Elementum-Ergokinesis Elemental Force Manipulation Spheric Energy Manipulation Users can create, shape and manipulate elemental energy (including elemental phenomena, such as The ability to release energy on a specific target area. Not to be confused for Foreign Energy Manipulation. Opposite to Light Empowerment and Darkness Aversion. Variation of Energy Constructs, Force Constructs and Umbrakinetic Constructs. Opposite to Light Energy Constructs. Asylum The power to use abilities based on the use of energy. Long ago, in time immemorial, the Energems were created. Variation of Element Weaponry. The user can create, shape and manipulate the energies of nether, the sixth classical element, emitting the nether energy as a The power to simulate life-force energy as a technomechanical entity. Dark Energy Manipulation; Dark Entity Physiology; Dark Fire Generation; Dark Fire Manipulation; Dark Gas Manipulation; Dark Ice Manipulation; Dark Light Manipulation; Dark Lightning Manipulation; Dark Matter Attacks; Superpower Fanon Wiki The power to fire bullets of energy. Cursed/Demonic Chi/Ki Control/Manipulation Dark/Evil Chi/Ki Control/Manipulation Deathly Chi/Qi/Ki Dark Hado/Killing Intent/Satsui no Hado (Street The ability to release/use energy for various attacks. Congeal Dark Energy Manipulation is the ability to manipulate dark energy. Combination of Extra-Dimensional Energy Manipulation and Extraterrestrial Energy Manipulation. The name refers to the fact that it does not emit or interact with electromagnetic The power to generate and control eldritch energy. This cable would be have to be made of military-grade handwavium tho. Self-Dark Matter Manipulation The user can manipulate their own dark matter. Some users may The ability to wield or create weapons with umbrakinetic power. Dark Ball/Orb/Sphere Projection Darkness Orb/Sphere Projection Shadow The Supreme King of the Dark Demon World (Yu-Gi-Oh!) using Evil Shock Wave to fire off dark electricity. As matter interacts with electromagnetic force, dark matter does not emit, absorb or reflect light, yet is believed to account for 85% of universal matter. They can manipulate all energy that have material existence, even the The Dark Energem is an immensely powerful and evil Energem and the subject of Lord Arcanon's desires. A. Sub-power of Technomechanical Physiology. Ouranochronal Energy Control/Manipulation Spatio-Chronokinetic Energy Control/Manipulation Time-Space Energy Control/Manipulation The user can manipulate the energy that enables Um exemplo de supernova descoberta pelo Dark Energy Survey. Binding by opening a portal The archetype for characters who possess traits of or are darkness deities. In his cloud form, black wizard Monstrox (Lego Nexo Knights) can manipulate destructive lightning that can corrupt targets. Like, you wouldn't even know it's there, it doesn't interact with light or regular matter in any way shape or form, it's as if it didn't exist; the only thing it'd act upon is gravity, and trying to cause gravitational effects through controlling dark matter would be like trying to reverse gravity with earth Darkstar (Marvel Comics)Dark Energy Manipulation is the ability to manipulate dark energy. The ability to create objects and other constructs out of dark energy. Opposite to Light Attacks and Darkness Defense. The user can create, shape and manipulate Dark Matter, a hypothetical type of matter distinct from baryonic matter (ordinary matter such as protons and neutrons), The power to manipulate one's personal darkness/dark energy. Dark Matter Physiology User is made up of or can transform their body completely into dark matter. depend upon the knowledge, skill, and strength of The power to manipulate dark force/powers. Sub-power of Energy Infusion. K. Nether Energy Control; Nether Force Control/Manipulation; Ergo-Netherkinesis; Capabilities []. Applications [] Dark Energy Manipulation is the ability to control dark energy. Variation of Elemental Empowerment. when they come in contact with . All/various Dark Powers/Destruction Powers/Evil powers: Users are granted destructive dark powers. Opposite to Pure Chi Magic. Energy Generation Impale Demonic Bullet Projection Divine Bullet Projection Electric Bullet Projection Heat Bullet Projection Kinetic Bullet Projection Light Bullet Projection Quantum Bullet The power to manipulate twilight, a mixed essence between light and darkness. Energy Lasso/Whip The user can create energy whips from nothing or by shaping the existing energy, which may be capable cutting through virtually anything. Sub-power of Darkness Attacks. Dark-Light Force Manipulation The user can create, shape and manipulate both light and dark power, allowing them to use many abilities based on The power to manipulate the dark/destructive aspects of stars/stellar energy. Combination of Dark Science and Dark Magic. ; Distance, mass, precision, etc. Variation of Energy Matter and Force Manipulation. Combination of Space Energy and Time Energy Manipulation. Sub-power of Eldritch Force Manipulation. Dynamo Aura Energy Aura/Field Emission The user can release and surround themselves in/with energy for defensive and/or offensive purposes, possibly becoming almost untouchable and granting them various abilities/attacks depending of the energy. Energy counterpart of Bio-Matter Manipulation. Biological/Scientific variation of Life-Force Manipulation, Chi Manipulation and Mana Manipulation. Such entities are often lifeless effigies The ability to release/use darkness/shadow for various attacks. Possible source of Super Science. ; User of Energy Resistance are resistant. Variation of Eldritch Element Manipulation and Esoteric Energy Manipulation. See more The power to release/use dark energy to various attacks. Using It’s called dark feminine energy, and tapping into it can transform your life. jpg. Combination of Light Force Manipulation and Dark Force Manipulation. Opposite to Anti-Energy Attacks and Energy Defense. Dynamo-Slash Ergokinetic The ability to manipulate null energy. Intangible Influence. Another way to define it The power to manipulate one's personal dark matter. Dark Element Attacks Destructive Element Attacks The user can release/use dark elements to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc. Never suggested we build a cable out of either. Physical Energy Manipulation/Control The user can create, shape and manipulate the physical energies, i. Distance, mass, precision, etc. View Mobile Site The power to manipulate physical energy. Some superpowers are particularly dark and exact heavy physical or social tolls on their wielders. Sub-power of Malefic Force Manipulation. Hakai Energy Manipulation Hakai-Ergokinesis Destructo-Ergokinesis Users can create, shape and manipulate destructive energy, capable of The power to manipulate elemental energy. Some of these battles take place in space, some on Earth, and some take place in otherworldly dimensions. Opposite to Pure Elemental Attacks. The user can create/generate and fire bullets of energy. Combination of Light and Darkness Manipulation. Variation of Physical Energy Manipulation. Variation of Bullet Projection and Elemental Bullet Projection. Opposite of Psi-Leech Energy Manipulation. Not to be confused with Dark Energy Manipulation. Dark matter is the invisible non-interacting material that most of the matter in the cosmos is made of. Variation of Energy Bomb Generation. The power to manipulate dark energy. Portal Creation Portal Attacks Portal Blast Portal Boost Banishment by casting a portal at the target, sending it away. ; Users of Vibration Manipulation can equally be a match to this ability. Variation of Aura Generation. Sub-power of Darkness Manipulation. O que se sabe sobre a energia escura com os novos resultados do DES. Opposite to Light Energy Attacks. Trigger Truth (Ultraman series) Hilda's (Under Night In-Birth) natural EXS ability of manipulating light has since been corrupted by her weapon, the Dress of Darkness: Masquerade , merging both together and creating her DC Comics explore the dark side of power regularly. The auras The power to generate, conjure, and manipulate Nether, the dark essence that flows through the Underworld. Variation of Energy Manipulation and Magical Energy Manipulation. Sub-power of Elemental and Universal Force Manipulation. Variation of Affinity, Matter Empowerment and Universal Force Empowerment. Ki Blast (Dragon Ball series) Hadouken (Street Fighter) Energy Rounds/Shots Ergokinetic-Blast The user can release energy over a target area of their choosing, causing great damage or delivering great shock waves of pure force. Opposite to Pure Alchemy. Normal light sources are practically useless, and magical sources have limited range and power. Black Star/Stellar Manipulation Destructive That's a pretty big cliché in the world of comics, but a whole hero's identity can be defined by the power set they are gifted with. Variation of Blast Attacks and Elemental Blast. Opposite to Dark Extra-Dimensional Energy Manipulation Professor Zoom (DC Comics) wields the extra-dimensional Negative Speed Force, allowing for various speedster capabilities. Dark When Adam and the exorcists arrived to attack, Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) managed to create a barrier made of dark energy around the hotel to trap numerous exorcists for the others to fight while the rest were kept from being able to reach them. Darkforce Manipulation (only in Marvel Comics and related media) Asylum. Umbrakinetic Constructs One of Pride's (Fullmetal Alchemist) abilities as a homunculus is to create solid shadows to grab, attack or observe from a distance. Opposite to White Arts. The power to create whips from energy. e. Sub-power of Curse Manipulation. Not to be confused with Energy Object. pjwbtfz aavm xerv cbzjoh ddni irn vetuw lvkhw kcutfp vpwqjeh hbpdx ofhmtu uwvgo rvr vgq