High plains observer hutchinson county.
Online News in Hutchinson County.
High plains observer hutchinson county com } A visitor from Dallas viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 4 hrs 30 mins ago. A visitor from Miami viewed 'High Plains Observer' 12 hrs 17 mins ago. Buyers --THANK YOU for showing up and making it a HUGE success for these FFA & 4-H kiddos!!! Here are some results from the show: Hutchinson County soon recorded the required 150 applications for land purchases in the county to formally organize in 1901. S. Soon after graduation he enlisted in the United States Air Force, where he served from 1973 until 1978. He graduated from Pampa High School in 1972. Of these, 327 records were identified in Collin County, 1,385 were identified in Dallas County, 3,063 were identified in Harris County and 708 were identified in Tarrant The Hutchinson County District Attorney's Office has confirmed two indictments of former city officials. A visitor from Oakland viewed 'Department of Government Efficiency Could Have Loc' 4 hrs 47 mins ago. She was born October 30,1935, at Wichita Falls, Texas, to Jessie E. After the sudden death of Sheriff Coker, whose name remained on the ballot, Efren Munoz was appointed to lead the department. I REPORT. A visitor from Guymon viewed 'High Plains Observer' 23 hrs 2 mins ago. Vrain & Company, was a log structure built in 1843, but was replaced with the adobe brick structure in 1845. The painting was purchased with a 2009 donation to Friends of the Museum from the Club as they disbanded. Oil and Gas Report November 14-20, 2022. Business Directory. A visitor from Iowa viewed 'Team Fairly--A March Update From Caroline' 13 hrs 35 mins ago. The Hutchinson County Museum’s Annual Christmas Exhibit will feature one sixth scale military action figures in period uniforms with weapons, and other scale models from the collection of Greg Thompson on display from Stepping a bit out of the county and back a few years before the county Hansford was organized, to 1874, we find the last Indian skirmish which occurred on the Panhandle plains. com } HPO Hutchinson County. Patsy Pruett. Announcements: Subscribe to the High Plains Observer Adds New Columnist Lane Haley Lane Haley is a 4th generation farmer and rancher in Ochiltree County, Texas. Dade Line For PSPCISD School Board. You are visitor: 342,918 Online News in Hutchinson County. Press Pass Sports Report--Track Honor Roll Online News in Hutchinson County. Dell Griffin, Hutchinson County Historical Commission, Chair received the painting on behalf of the Museum. Early in the afternoon authorities reported 300 acres burned with zero % contained. Wanna Be A News Partner. A visitor from Katy viewed 'High Plains Observer' 9 hrs 35 mins ago. was arrested for the following offenses: Evading Arrest Detention W/ Motor Vehicle (F3) Online News in Hutchinson County. at the Borger High School auditorium with a concert entitled “Sounds of Silence. A visitor from High Plains Observer, Spearman, Texas. Politics. net • Photographer Tucker Stroud • Jason Richardson Podcaster A visitor from Grand prairie viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 2 hrs 25 mins ago. Statewide, a total of 11,737 potential non-U. EAST WARD HOUSED 200 PUPILS AND WAS A BRICK AND TILE STRUCTURE WITH FIVE CLASSROOMS, A STUDY HALL, AND AN OFFICE. That doesn’t take away from those burned in other fires and in Hutchinson and Gray counties. 7. CONSIDER AND/OR APPROVE FINANCIAL REPORT Jerry Langwell gave a financial report: 2 debits from the account 1. Borger High School Auditorium A visitor from Grand prairie viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 1 hr 1 min ago. 2/6/2023. Front Page. You are visitor: 330,603 Online News in Hutchinson County. txdmv. WASHINGTON SCHOOL CLOSED IN 1964, AND MOST OF THE TEACHERS LEFT BORGER TO SEEK OTHER JOBS. own accounting business in Online News in Hutchinson County. We often do not realize that even the tiniest whiff Online News in Hutchinson County Know Your Borger City Council Back: Milton R. Chief Marie Farbro and her team have a goal to clean up their town. A visitor from Guymon viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 17 hrs 22 mins ago. texas. EDC "We had a fantastic time honoring our inaugural 18 Under 18 award recipients in partnership with Junior Achievement of the High Plains" said Kasey Long, Executive Director of Junior Achievement of the High Plains. and 3:00 p. GUEST BOOK. Schedule for the HutchCoPdcst: Dade Line Tuesday March 11 PSP CISD Bob Edmiaston Thursday March 13 Borger City Council Chris Womble Saturday March 15 Spearman ISD To watch live subscribe to the HutchCoPdcst YouTube channel the podcast defaults to private Collectors Club of Borger presented a LaNelle Poling original oil painting to the Hutchinson County Museum. 3 OR email at hutchinson@swcd. The original fort, built by Bent, St. http://www. net • Photographer Tucker Stroud • Jason Richardson Podcaster A visitor from Guangxi viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 10 hrs 33 mins ago. While in high school, Victoria was active in NHS and participated in the Borger High School Day of Caring and Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Walk. The site got its start when a man named Barney Plemons, the son of Amarillo judge and state legislator William County: Hutchinson Year Marker Erected: 2011 Designations: Recorded Texas Historic Landmark WEATHERLY, BORGER HIGH SCHOOL, AND A GYMNASIUM WERE ERECTED. My name is Dade Line and I am re-running for PSPCISD school board. The Best of Motown & More - Monday, September 16th, 2024 at 7PM. In 1903 early county settlers Benjamin and Birda May (Kirk) Holt donated seven acres here to be used as the site of a community schoolhouse and cemetery. *ACO dispatched to High School Track ref Dog at Large *ACO dispatched to 1108 Barkley ref cat *Chief flagged down at 405 S. A visitor from Ohio viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 2 hrs 50 mins ago. washington became an elementary school and older black students went to sam houston junior high and borger senior high schools. Well-insulated, the dugouts were cool in summer and warm in winter Chanz Garcia -- Hutchinson County Mugshots. Guest Book. My oldest son graduated from PSP and is currently serving in the Marine Core as a Jet Engine Mechanic. $350 written to Bill Sheldon as approved by the committee to provide a meal for the Children’s disaster services workshop. You are visitor: 344,365 A rare look at the remains of Fort Adobe also known as Adobe Walls in Hutchinson County. Lisa Ellis Top of Texas Literary Review • Images, smells, and music can conjure up old memories and take us back to a moment when we were young. Real-time | Get Script A visitor from Denver viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 1 hr 24 mins ago. County, 4 were cast in Harris County and 1 was cast in Tarrant County. Repair Is Underway After Major Double S Fire In Hutchinson County. net • Photographer Tucker Stroud • Jason Richardson Podcaster Report by Hutchinson County Stock Show. , a 2001 Chevy Silverado 1500 pickup truck was northbound on CR 1 approaching an “S” curve at the intersection of CR L when, the department said, that the car was moving at a fast speed and therefore, skid into the grassy area between County Road 1 and County Road L. A visitor from Amarillo viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 12 hrs 32 mins ago. 6354 Church of Christ College View Baptist Church In a most unusual election for the Hutchinson County sheriff race, Republican Hutchinson County Sheriff-Elect Blaik Kemp is preparing for a non-typical conclusion to his candidacy. Week of November 14-20, 2022 We would also like to thank the staff at the Golden Plains Hospital for your help and taking care of our injured Deputy. A visitor from Chicago viewed 'Ronny Jackson Joins President Trump’s Lawsuit Agai' 2 hrs 13 mins ago. Online News in Hutchinson County. When these signals are sent to our brain it sometimes is on a subconscious level. A visitor from Denver viewed 'High Plains The High Plains Observer is so happy to announce that Tucker is now an official photographer and will cover the area with is enthusiastic passion for photography. in History with a minor in English Literature as well as an MBA from Texas Tech University. net • Photographer Tucker Stroud • Jason Richardson Podcaster. HPO Hutchinson County. HPO Spearman. Online News in Hutchinson County "We had a fantastic time honoring our inaugural 18 Under 18 award recipients in partnership with Junior Achievement of the High Plains" said Kasey Long, Executive Director of Junior Achievement of the High Plains. HERE { powered by bulletlink. Real-time | Get Script | More Info. And all the surrounding communities Local, fast and free. Coffee Shop. A visitor from Baltimore viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 6 hrs 42 mins ago. Bill author, Senator Mayes Middleton (seated at right), laid out the bill Our financial condition has improved each year since then, growing our fund balance from ~$350k to over $3. U. Photo by Jason Richardson HPO podcaster. A visitor from Aspen viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 2 hrs 37 mins ago. Hutchinson County Commission To Meet March 24, 2025. A visitor from Dallas viewed 'Mardi Gras King Cake Cocktail' 2 hrs 5 mins ago. "One of the most important advantages to online news is the ability to have lots and lots of colorful photos that depict life in motion," says HPO editor Gina Gillispie. "We are grateful for the generosity of Brian and Gina Gillispie and the High Plains Observer for a commitment to help make a real difference for our kids and community," said Jim McClellan, SFISD Superintendent. A visitor from Dublin viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 4 hrs 39 mins ago. “For a fire to start more than 100 miles from Hemphill County and literally burn across the Panhandle, all the way to us and Roberts County. com } that fall, booker t. A visitor from Vermont viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 6 A visitor from San marcos viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 9 hrs 47 mins ago. gov OR come by our office located at 102 N. 7. A visitor from Winnipeg viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 10 hrs 7 mins ago. HAZARDOUS MATERIAL COMMITTEE (Bill Sheldon & Michael Galloway) Hutchinson County and Borger OEM have Online News in Hutchinson County. A visitor from New york viewed 'Tri-City Music Concert Association Presents Jason' 5 hrs 13 mins ago. NEWS. 365 A visitor from Hooker viewed 'High Plains Observer' 42 mins ago A visitor from Dalhart viewed ' Looking Back At The Stratford Star--March 9, 1989 ' 1 hr 19 mins ago A visitor from Guymon A visitor from Guymon viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 4 hrs 54 mins ago. 365 HPO Hutchinson County. Garden Gleanings by Bob Hatton As spring progresses and I am cleaning up flower beds from winter kill debris, I am finding a mixed bag of results of the fall and winter weather. 10,418 likes · 1,016 talking about this. 3 Borger ISD Calendar. Wednesday, January 1, 2025 at 10:00 AM in the County Courtroom, Hutchinson County Courthouse, Stinnett, TX Curt Brancheau - 84th District Judge Mark Snider - District Attorney Craig Jones - County Attorney Jerry Langwell - Sheriff Carrie Kimmell - Tax Assessor-Collector Gary Alexander - Commissioner Pct. A visitor from Grand prairie viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 3 hrs 14 mins ago. Bringing You The NewsWhile It's Still The News! HPO Hutchinson County. A visitor from San marcos viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 2 hrs 40 mins ago. Last Name First Name OFFENSE Online News in Hutchinson County. Letters To The Editor. This has allowed us to move from a poor financial (FIRST) rating of a C to the best And all the surrounding communities Local, fast and free. Rudy Pena Jr. Dyke, a graduate of Borger High School Class of 1961, is an accomplished artist whose work is collected by A visitor from Fritch viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 19 hrs 44 mins ago. She completed 43 hours of college classes while in high school and was the salutatorian for the Class of 2017. A visitor from Nevada viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 2 hrs 14 mins ago. A visitor from Wausau viewed 'Best Friends Have Babies On The Same Day' 1 hr 5 mins ago. A visitor from Guymon viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 4 hrs 50 mins ago. A visitor from Dallas viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 1 hr 6 mins ago. Winter Kill. At the Senate Natural Resources hearing this morning, Alliance President Karr Ingham testified on SB 1150, relating to the plugging of certain inactive wells in Texas. I have 4 kids and an amazing wife. A visitor from Guymon viewed 'High Plains Observer' 3 hrs 54 mins ago. 24. m. A visitor from Michigan viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 21 hrs 54 mins ago. Workers begin work on the train trestle south of the carbon black plants that was burned up on the fire west of Borger Tuesday night. 930. ” Two talented musicians will play the music of the early 1970s by artists such as Simon & Garfunkel, Bob Dylan, John Denver. HPO Perryton. and Eunice (Fields) Tyson. With the high visibility of the K9 Unit, the passion of these four individuals, and Bony’s badge, Stinnett can expect a greater A visitor from Grand prairie viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 9 hrs 58 mins ago. 1 Ben Bentley - Commissioner Pct. A visitor from Ohio viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 3 hrs 57 mins ago. A visitor from Idaho falls viewed 'Hutchinson County Annual Tree and Grass Seed Sales' 2 hrs 55 mins ago. A visitor from San marcos viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 7 hrs 34 mins ago. He was born in Perryton, is a graduate of Perryton High School and holds a B. A visitor from Guymon viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 4 hrs 58 mins ago. Hazelwood for vehicle unlock Friday: 07/03/2020 Online News in Hutchinson County. Main (USDA building), Stinnett, Texas, Monday, Wednesday, or Friday between the hours of 10:00 a. AS A RESULT OF DESEGREGATION, BOOKER T. net • Photographer Tucker Stroud • Jason Richardson Podcaster Hutchinson County Podcast March Lineup A visitor from Gruver viewed 'High Plains Observer' 38 mins ago. GAINES COUNTY: Garcia, Chanz Bryndon. HPO Stratford. Obituaries. Submit Your News. Online News in Hutchinson County Recognition of Giving $25,000 - $49,999 (LtoR): Erik Nelson representing Syensqo, Lance Keys representing Orion, Kevin Dikes representing Chevron Phillips and Renea Curry representing Education Credit Union Online News in Hutchinson County. Warren introduced the new director for our area Mickey who gave a presentation to the LEPC on what the Red Cross can offer. Lows in Amarillo were predicted to be in the low to mid 30s Tuesday night and I took the risk borne of years of observation that it would not get cold enough at my house to merit moving or protecting tropical and other tender plants. Online News in Hutchinson County 2023 at 2:30 p. com } PROUD SOLDIERS PAST AND PRESENT One Sixth Scale Military Action Figures, Historic and Contemporary Uniforms, Weapons and Other Models. 4804 • bgillispie@ptsi. Information can be called into the Hutchinson County Sheriff's Office at (806) 274-6343 Monday through Thursday between the hours of 8 a. Ooley, Place 5 and Charles, "Pete", Loftis, Place 1 Front: Karen Felker, Mayor Pro Tem, Place 2 , Marvin "Bubba" Dickson, Mayor, James Marrs II, Place 3 Online News in Hutchinson County. com } Online News in Hutchinson County. Hutchinson County Drilling. I am a graduate of West Texas High School. Site of John and Maggie Weatherly Half-Dugout Site--Hutchinson County Historical Marker No. Will they resprout? Warren said the drill was informative and was able to confirm that Hutchinson County has 7 Shelter possibilities. 273. A visitor from Shanghai viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 7 hrs 53 mins ago A visitor from Arlington viewed ' Amarillo College Fall Dean's Honor Roll ' 8 hrs 22 mins ago A visitor from Lewiston viewed ' High Plains Observer Hutchinson County ' 8 hrs 23 mins ago By Jason Richardson George Grover, KQTY Radio Manager announces his retirement. OF THE ORIGINAL BUILDINGS, EAST A visitor from Council bluffs viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 17 mins ago A visitor from Maryland viewed ' Team Fairly--A March Update From Caroline ' 17 mins ago A visitor from Amarillo viewed ' City of Borger May 3 Election News ' 18 mins ago A visitor from San antonio viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 5 hrs 43 mins ago. We also find that this battle was fought not West Texas High knocks off Sanford-Fritch. 16 The High Plains offered no native stone or timber for building materials. and after hours at the Hutchinson County Jail at (806) 878-4012. West Texas High took total control for a 40-7 blow out of Hutchinson County rival Sanford-Fritch at home on Friday night. Hutchinson County Podcast March Lineup A visitor from Gruver viewed 'High Plains Observer' 38 mins ago. Agriculture. A visitor from Del rio viewed 'SFISD 2025 Calendar' 14 hrs 3 mins ago. Church News. A visitor from Oakland viewed 'Department of Government Efficiency Could Have Loc' 17 hrs 19 mins ago. Plemons - Once the county seat of Hutchinson County, Texas, there is nothing left of the old town today, but a small cemetery. Borger Churches Calvary Baptist Church of Borger North McGee Street 806. com/ { powered by bulletlink. . Oil and Gas Report. High Plains Observer Adds New Columnist Lane Haley Lane Haley is a 4th generation farmer and rancher in Ochiltree County, Texas. BISD Staff Feature. Following Atticus by Tom Ryan. Patsy Pruett left her earthly home and entered her forever Heavenly Home , Saturday, March 15, 2025, at Amarillo. She might be a woman, but the Chief of Police of Stinnett means business. A visitor from Amarillo viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 2 hrs 45 mins ago. Online News in Hutchinson County { powered by bulletlink. A visitor from Vernon viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 4 hrs 28 mins ago. texas-drilling. A visitor from Weatherford viewed 'Spearman ISD to Meet March 17, 2025' 43 mins ago. citizens were identified as being registered to vote. 274. Congratulations to all exhibitors! A very special thanks to all that make this amazing event happen. You are visitor: 345,542 http://www. A visitor from Dumas viewed 'High Plains Observer' 26 mins ago. H COUNTY. 2M as of the close of our last fiscal year. A visitor from Shanghai viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 10 hrs 8 mins ago A visitor from Arlington viewed ' Amarillo College Fall Dean's Honor Roll ' 10 hrs 36 mins ago A visitor from Lewiston viewed ' High Plains Observer Hutchinson County ' 10 hrs 38 mins ago Online News in Hutchinson County. List of Churches. The Comanches keep themselves in the playoff hunt improving to 1-0 in A visitor from Iowa viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 12 hrs 53 mins ago. Online News in Hutchinson County Monday, March 17, 2025 Gina Gillispie Editor • 806. Gender: Male. A visitor from Lewiston viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 2 hrs 42 mins ago. Saturday, March 08, 2025. Hutchinson County Podcast March Lineup. Director of Transportation Robin Hudgens would like to feature the entire Transportation Department! “I want to thank my whole staff for stepping up and taking care of everything that makes our department run while I was out! Thank you again; you don’t know how much appreciate it Online News in Hutchinson County. 3. A visitor from Guymon viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 11 hrs 34 mins ago. A visitor from Guymon viewed 'High Plains Observer' 27 mins ago. A visitor from Idaho falls viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 3 hrs 26 mins ago. Thursday 11/30/2023 will be his last day at the Studios of KQTY Radio 113 Union Street in Borger, Texas, He'll start the day as usual with his Morning Show, starting a 6:00 am. gov/motor-carriers/oversize-overweight-permits/texas-size-weight-limits And An up-to-Date current Warrant List. 16. A visitor from Canyon viewed 'High Plains Observer' 13 hrs 46 mins ago. There are two sealed indictments in the Hutchinson County District Clerk's Office concerning former Fritch City Manager Bobby Lamb Jr and former Fritch secretary Leslie Bass. Subject: Commissioners Court Meeting Starts on: 3/24/2025 9:30am Ends on: 3/24/2025 1:00pm Description: { powered by bulletlink. The first person buried here was Nola Storrs in 1909. propane exports averaged a record 1. You are visitor: 344,880 The High Plains Observer was honored by district leaders for its outstanding support of the students and schools in the Sanford-Fritch ISD. A. Page 2 News. { powered by bulletlink. A visitor from Grand prairie viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 15 hrs 46 mins ago. net • Photographer Tucker Stroud • Jason Richardson Podcaster The department detailed that at around 2:15 a. Agriculture News. propane exports have increased every year since 2007 ›. No. A visitor from Oakland viewed 'Department of Government Efficiency Could Have Loc' 11 hrs 32 mins ago. 8 million barrels per day (b/d) in 2024, the most since we began collecting this data in 1973. H COUNTY Online News in Hutchinson County. I’ve cut three crape myrtles down completely to the ground. The National Weather Service in Amarillo also issued a fire warning for Hutchinson County impacting Lake Meredith and the Bugbee community. Garden Gleanings by Bob Hatton The cool weather has finally arrived. 2801 Calvary Baptist Church of Christ 1100 Bulldog Blvd 806. A visitor from Katy viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 10 Victoria was also highly successful in the classroom. Wednesday, November 27, 2024. Paris Mass Notification System { powered by bulletlink. and 6 p. Lamb was city manager for four years, and he resigned in 2014. A visitor from Delaware viewed 'High Plains Observer' 41 mins ago. Stinnett Police Force Adds K9 Unit. Page 2. com } Friends of the Hutchinson County Museum will hold their Annual Meeting and Art Show Opening October 2, 2011 at 2:00 pm at the Hutchinson County Museum in Borger featuring internationally known artist Larry Dyke as the guest speaker. Hutchinson County OEM reported fire crews making great progress on slowing the progression of the fire. Between Roberts County and Hemphill County, a little over 900,000 acres were in our two counties. Anyone who is interested: Please call Janice Rose at 806/878-2241, ext. A visitor from Virginia viewed 'Borger ISD Calendar' 5 hrs 17 mins ago. Movies At The Lake September 14 Best of Motown and More September 16. Online News in Hutchinson County Saturday, March 15, 2025 Gina Gillispie Editor • 806. Race: White. Instead, settlers lived in dugouts, built into the thick sod. Gina Gillispie Editor • 806. qqixgvatgrvvvpuxaiatgxqjhprrtwzxzntanzchhuqfbmvpoxhsugziyajuvsdm