Loud house fanfiction sisters grounded nonetheless, that didn't mean they were feeling better, no, they were the opposite as a matter of fact. The Loud House Movie: Grounded! is a fan-fiction movie about it what looks like years later after the TV show The Loud House if the Loud House characters watched a TV show about them. ) Vanzilla makes it to the house and they all get out and get inside. This time though, they were in their brother's bedroom. Well, this one shot is partially inspired by The Loud House episodes, Sluth and Consequences, and Time Trap. "What-Junk But, here in the Loud House its spell's doomsday. Sunset back at the Loud House. Starring my very own oc: Laney Loud. Lynn Sr. It is also inspired by the Book of Pooh episode, Brain Drain, and some SpongeBob scenes. " "AAHHH!" Lincoln slightly opens the door to see where the scream coming from. " Lincoln: "I suppose that's fair, and I'm sorry I got you all into this mess. Lincoln realized that his sisters were getting a little hurt. The clock struck 7:00am and the 10 Loud children (except Lily because of obvious reasons. Luna screamed tunelessly and played her guitar loud enough to shatter the windows and the TV. "Hey, Lincoln! You're coming to my softball game today, right?" Asked Lynn Jr "Should've done a head count. Also selective character bashing. After reading several Loud House/Pokemon crossovers I noticed a distinct lack of Hoenn related content, which is a shame as Gen 3 and it's remakes have been my favorite Gen since they first debuted. " "What brought you to your senses?" Lynn bitterly asked. Lincoln Loud has managed to sneak out of the kitchen while 8 of his sisters talked about their activities. Not counting his dad, he's the only boy in the house. Some of her other sisters walked by on their way down Well, I highly doubt I'm the first writer to do this. From within emerged Lincoln Loud, generally damp, and clad only in a towel, but emanating the healthy glow of one who had just completed their morning hygiene routine. " Rita answered. You won't be getting it. Major spoilers about the game. Disclaimer: I own NOTHING from the Loud House. Determined to remind his family that they all need to be together, Lincoln and his best friend Clyde embark on a mission to sabotage their plans and preserve the Luna Loud is far beyond responsible than the other sisters and is the legal guardian to her little brother appointed by her grandfather and agreed upon by the parents. Everybody had a good day and took turns talking about their own. Yup, whenever a holiday comes around for the Loud family, 9 times out of 10 that Lincoln's sisters will want chocolate or at least some candy of some kind out of it despite the risk of overloading their sugar intake. " The twins put their hands on their hips, "Yeah!" Lisa adjusted her glasses, "I apologize fellow sisters, but our male sibling is indeed a delinquent street name: Criminal. "Last time, you could have injured Lincoln with all your pranks and now two of your sisters are in the hospital. But Lincoln eats slowly because he's very depressed, looks at all of his sisters in sadness, and is about to remember the nasty moments when he was inadvertently causing his sisters to be against him. ) ran as fast as they could down the stairs to Vanzilla, but most specifically the "Sweet" Spot that Lincoln thought up. Lisa's grounded for trying to turn Lily into an experiment subject An upcoming lifetime of mockery spreads from the Loud residence to Royal Woods Elementary School, but despite Lincoln being the target, there is one student who is not happy - Chandler. Nobody except one, of course. " Albert tried to reason with his daughter but was stopped as Rita put her hand in front of his face. Everything was going great until Clyde mentioned the talent show Lincoln's sisters, (minus Lily,) were attending next week Friday. Just another one of those Washingtons, or Greenvilles or 'Quotidian-burgs', as I like to call them, If you visit the town, you will eventually come across a street termed as 'Franklin Avenue', which has dozens of houses on either side. Fanfiction. The two were coming back from Clyde's house after hanging out this Friday afternoon. weather? and Brotheeerrr!~, Tell me if it all gets Better. By: Clyde would likely be furious at any of Lincoln's sisters, since each one of them went along with the bad luck fiasco, but he knew that Leni somehow had enough sense to bring it all to an end, so she was one sister Clyde didn't have to be mad at, especially since he overheard much of Hello Loud fans! This is NiteOwl18 for a brand new story! Last Friday I posted a non-story about my ideas on four stories based on The Loud House. Stupid parents. Based off the comic he created almost a year ago, the Loud had pitched the idea to his siblings in a meeting. " Said Lynn Sr. Cry. . They've all gather before a single, but big dinner table, and proceed to dig in their foods. luanloud, lincolnloud, theloudhouse. "Oh hey Bobby. Lori: Guys, you don't need to-Lana: Don't try to talk us out of it, Lori. And besides, we're almost at Aunt Ruth's house. Like my other Loud House fic, I was hitting a brick wall and I want to try and bring it back. Come in to read, write, review, and interact with other fans. The one person who could always tell when something was wrong. Both parents had furious facial expressions, which were enough to make the Loud sisters nervous. If we get out of this, you're grounded for the rest of the trip. By: "Luan, I know I say this a lot, but you are grounded for three weeks" her father said, seeing how this was too far for a prank, sure she always get the same grounding time for every last day of April fools, but most are just a week in her room, but this time this caused emotional Have Sisters to Feed. Why do Mom and Dad always have to take their side?" Lincoln muttered angrily under his breath. "I know dude but Lynn gonna chill out" Luna "With 10 opinionated sisters, you gotta have a thick skin," he then looked back to his sisters. And he couldn't be happier. You could probably do that when you wish her a happy birthday. She did get grounded for 2 days for The temperature was warm, but not too high, and the skies were clear, allowing the sun to shine down. Cartoons: Loud House fanfiction archive with over 9,152 stories. And it reveals that his sisters were standing outside waiting to do their own The early morning serenity of the Loud House was abruptly stifled by the sound of water rushing through pipes, and the creaking of the house's sole bathroom door at it slid open. Note(s): This seventh reposted Loud House story that is posted on FanFiction is another Loud House rewrite from realyoshiplayer from DeviantArt that has also been deleted four months ago, along with deleting his old Loud House fanfics and rewrites and fanart as well, after his resignation of the Loud House fanclub and even that he stopped being a fan of the Nickelodeon cartoon In order to save them, the sisters must embark on a journey and recruit a party of fighters to thwart whatever may befall upon their kingdom. Rated T for violence and some language. Under astonished looks of her siblings, Lynn runs out of Franklin Avenue. Back at the Loud House, all the sisters weren't crying so loudly anymore, and there wasn't as much tears like before. Why is it always Stormy. But in any event, I'll end the monologue right here and let you get to the reading. ~ And Cartoons Loud House. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as her nine sisters chattered excitedly around her. Sr. " Lori: "We're on it mom!" [The sisters except Lana chase Lola around the house with Rita] [A few minutes later Lola was cornered] Rita: "Lola you are grounded but i'm not done yet. And that's when I got this idea in my head. - The sisters pointed to the top of the tree where Lincoln found something that surprised him; a tree house. dropped the face of Edwin. I just wanted us to have a fun side trip in addition to our main one. And yes, the teasing by the sisters is the absolute focus of everything and I know that's a thorny subject, too. I It was Sunday, the day after the tragic events of Lincoln and Lola's argument, and all seemed to be normal with the Loud House, except for the two siblings in question. "You two are also grounded for keeping this a secret. Nobody else in the family particularly seemed to notice or care. Even on days when the brothers would be a little toooverzealous in their efforts to always be Chapter 1: The real Lincoln Loud. Hey everyone and welcome to another new fanfiction of yet again, The Loud House. Lincoln Loud just stared at the computer screen in shock. "And I aslo told Lucy. When he got home half an hour earlier, the house was deserted. [turns to Rita] Especially you, Mom. " [opens the door only to find out that his sisters are showing happy faces. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" Lori demands to know. Clogging the toilet even though he wasn't at the house all day. All rights belong to Nickelodeon. "Mmm, this cereal is delicious!" Lynn exclaimed, her mouth half-full. "Children, dinner's prepared!" Lynn Sr. Lincoln Loud had never been much interested in things like psychology and the paranormal. " Rita said as she turned to Leni and Luna. After the Episode time trap I couldn't help but wonder what Lisa felt after seeing her siblings gone from existence. I Wasn't t-There f-For (sob) You at All. Chapter 23 "WHAT?!" Rita yelled. Follow/Fav The Comeback. noticed a badly beaten Lincoln and an incredibly worried Lucy running down the stairs and outside of the house into the evening night. Things are gonna turn sorta spicy and possibly a spark of a new conflict or ordeal, so enjoy reading this everyone. Once upon a time, in a quiet little town in Michigan, there was a house that wasn't so quieta loud housea VERY loud house. It was then they heard his bedroom door open, and then slam shut with rage. " Soon he finished packing his stuffs, and hung his blue bag around his shoulder. Back in The Loud House. So he gets up around the house when he runs into Luna who can't sleep either. " Brooke: "That was surprising. Hearing this, the sisters exit the living room and make their way to the kitchen. Lynn stepped over to it and peeked out. Rating: T (might change) Change and Adapt the Loud House First Loud House fanfic. Why is that you ask? Living in the household with 10 sisters with different personalities, one person who loves nothing more than pull pranks on her siblings is none other than Luan, Aka the Queen of Pranks. Lola becomes fatigued and asks while whining Lynn stop this right or you are grounded The Loud House is owned by Chris Savino and is owned by Nickelodeon. Latest Chapter - Powder Keg of Justice - Also important author's note in this chapter. Lincoln stood in front of the bathroom mirror and mutters to himself. " In Lynn's room she sat on her bed, secretly fuming over getting grounded. They all get into the living room, they all had a lot to talk about. Lincoln is still in the hospital, and Luna Loud has to be ready for when her brother returns, and stuff is gonna go down in the Louds House, the Elementary School and the High School. So I thought lets change that. The Loud House remained the same with the little difference. He was mad at his sisters for accusing him of clogging the toilet again. and Rita grounded their children due to a TV show about them and their terrible lives. After the events of Sound of Silence, Lincoln was angry at his sisters for pranking him and haven’t talked to them after the visit of the hospital. His ten sisters were in front of the TV, In this episode, Luna gets grounded by her parents for her obnoxiously loud music she plays 24/7, and becomes grumpy and impatient, so her siblings, after being sick and tired of it before that My 9th fanfiction of the Loud House. " His sisters, except Luna agreed with him, snd they angrilly went out of the room. The lack of interest nearly threw Lincoln for a loop, considering the hoops they went through to "Look, if your sisters said it, it must be true. Sisters: "Yeah!" Lynn Sr. shouted causing the sisters She rarely yelled at or threatened her siblings, and she spent more time than usual alone in her room practicing. I'd like to say that the inspiration to write a fanfiction about magic, came from watching the movie Now You See Me and also a little bit of inspiration from the movie Matilda (if you haven't seen it then watch it) and trust me, after reading the first Read Grounded (Part 1 of 2) from the story Consequences (Alternative Version) by Ch276Zj with 2,203 reads. And your allowance during your groundation will go toward paying your sisters' medical expenses. It was almost lunch, Lori, Leni, the twins, Lincoln and Classic Lincoln are the only ones in the house while the rest went for an outing. It was a quiet night in the Loud House. " Lynn: "Yeah. He was searching for what the fans think of him and saw some mixed reviews about him. He's gonna have a talk with her. He opened the door to the hallway. Now Lincoln and his parents and sister were in vanzilla pulling up to their house after catching Lincoln sneaking back into Clyde's house after going to the concert the car ride was dead silent. FanFiction | unleash Lincoln L. " Lucy nodded in agreement, "Highly doubtful. There were 10 sisters, as it always did. As predicted, their parents didn't take the reason Lincoln ran away from home very well. " In The Loud House: A Very Loud Christmas!, Lincoln is gearing up for the ultimate Christmas, until he finds out that most of his sisters have plans to be elsewhere for the big day. Meanwhile, Lynn Sr and Rita are showing their authority as parents by locking themselves and Lily in their bedroom. I did not create any of these characters from The Loud House. " Thought Lincoln "Actually Lynn, I've got some important business to Royal Woods, Michigan. I'm Sorry I missed your Call. He had to clean the house all by himself as It's a whole new version of Nickelodeon's hit series The Loud House. "Well Lincoln, you're grounded for the day. Then Lori has an Idea. Even Lana paled in comparison This is the sort of universe that we find ourselves in inside the Loud House where the first born child was a boy who grew up helping with his 10 younger sisters as were born. ] Lincoln: "I sure hope that worked. The two glared at each other eye to eye And like lighting a fight broke out between the sisters the fight lasted about twenty minutes. Lincoln had been grounded for two weeks for yelling and cursing out Lola while Lola had been grounded for a full month due to her ongoing brattiness towards Lincoln that led up Cartoons Loud House. ~ I Know You're watching over us. " Lincoln was quite peeved by this. Luna crossed her arms, "No way dude the little dude would never do such a thing. I'm also aware of the changes in season 5, I'm just treating my fanfics like the Loud House comics where some events set before that happen in the show like for example, the comic, Who's the Loudest was released after Season 5 premiere. Watch how their relationship changes and adapts as they work together to take care of their siblings. "You're no longer grounded. It was a stressful day for them since they had to listen to all kinds of people badmouth Twelve-year-old Lincoln Loud paced back and forth in the living room, sounding like a broken CD, repeating the same phrase over and over again. By: Mainly some episodes where the sisters get mad at Lincoln for no reason or if the parents intervened. Through Lisa's alternate reality viewing machine, the Loud Sisters see the infinitely terrifying, heartbreaking, and wondrous possibilitiesmostly through the multiple alternate versions of their brother. Follow/Fav We Were the Louds. All of the sisters were now looking His 8 sisters would all gang up on him, getting him in trouble for something they themselves did and blame it on the sole son of the Louds. They played video games and read the newest issue of Ace Savvy, excited for the new movie releasing tomorrow Saturday night. By: ParanoiacPoet. P. (Vanzilla pulled into the house, Lincoln got home in joy, opened the game, started up his PS4 and started playing the game, he was so happy, he joined an online session with Clyde, Rusty and Zach, he played as Crash, Clyde was Dingodile, Zach was Dr. I chose to do the crossover of Loud House and Naruto! I have confidence that this story won't be a bad one, considering this is based on from the episode NSL (No Such Luck). doors were left wide open, allowing said goop to enter all of the exposed rooms, including the only bathroom in the house. That and plus this has been floating in my head for a while now. Rita walked into her room. tried to go after him, but his attention shifted towards upstairs, "Girls, downstairs, now!" Upon hearing their father, all of the sisters went downstairs all except for Luna, Lori and Leni. The loud sisters excluding Lynn and ransacking the backyard like FBI agents looking. clogging the toilet is inspired by A Brother's Carol by Sunblast X. Why did you Leave? Why did you Die! You Finally Made Your Sisters. " In the infamous Loud House, all of the sisters were fighing over something stupid like usual (What is it this time?A dress?). Lisa stood in the middle of the Loud House's living room, reduced to just staring at the chaos unfolding out right in front of her. The only room on the second floor that remained untouched was Luna and Luan's room Author's note:This is a deconstruction fic of the St. The Loud House is the exclusive property of Nickelodeon and Viacom. "Yes, I was grounded from watching TV and using my phone and banned from playing all sports even at school, I'm not allowed to return to my sports teams because my parents decided me Read Grounded (Part 1 of 2) from the story Consequences (Alternative Version) by Ch276Zj with 2,203 reads. Lincoln was sitting on the couch and trying to lose himself in an episode of My Thicc Life when the front door slammed open and his sisters flooded in. Every one of the sisters were fighting off these creatures, and as the fight ensued, he heard the sisters yelling "OW!" once in a while. One was about Lincoln being adopted, another is how Lincoln is always depressed and wants to die, how he's always the victim, then wimpy, and how he's shipped with every girl under the sun. Now let's get started. And so, at the Loud siblings' normal weekly meeting Lynn Sr. "No, my decision is final. Other sisters were glaring at Lincoln, except for Luna who was concerned about her little brother. "Your insults are like the wind beneath my cape; they only lift me higher! Now if After Cristina and Girl Jordon went to their respective houses, the Loud sisters all walked into the house. When Lincoln gets grounded for fighting with Lynn, he plans to get released from grounding early by being on his best behavior. , The Loud Sisters - Words: 3,133 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 18 - Follows: 10 In the wake of the Sister Fight Protocol debacle, the Loud House had returned to its usual bustling state after Lori and Leni resolved their conflict over the identical dresses. just keep it yourself okay ? Don't tell it anybody and they don't have to see it okay?" he then gets disturbed by a knock on the door. But they're (All of Loud siblings are going downstairs for dinner. all of you except for Luna are grounded until the end of the month. Sorry about getting you grounded. There was also a bell hanging off a rope on a pulley beside it. On top of the tree of the backyard was a tree house with the Ace Savvy emblem under the window. Even when her older sister is on the phone and doing nothing but calling her boyfriend, Luna does the best she can to be the one everyone can be calm and not cause chaos and Cartoons Loud House. Like my first published fanfiction, this will also be visually in traditional animation (as well as all future Loud House works, same for the spin-off). ] Lori: "Lincoln. He made it up the stairs only to meet his big sister, Lynn Jr. I came here to apologize. Lynn kicked Lincoln in the leg for insulting one of her favorite sports: Soccer. It was another typical morning in the Loud household, filled with noise, chaos, and boundless energy. ] "It worked. They chat and reminisce about the events of Loch Loud and the events Summary: With the disappearance of their parents, 18 year old Lori must take care of her siblings. Don't worry I delete it. Still, the sisters were putting up a good fight against these wolves. " [The sisters surround Lincoln. So my brother, hope you enjoy this, because I sure did. : "Violence is not the answer, but we are very disappointed in you, son. Lori was touched by her sisters' offer for assistance, she told them to get dressed and hop in the van. But you know I have to punish you. "There!" Lucille pointed. Luan and Luna share a closer relationship to Lincoln than the rest of his sisters are. Link shoved the doors open, and they stumbled into the throne room. None of you are to do any of your basic stuff, or even think about any events. Lana ran around and scattered mud absolutely everywhere, helped by Luan tossing pies about haphazardly. " (The Loud House. So enjoy. ) Yep, it was another day in the Loud house. The two siblings hopped into the family van and Note(s): This eighth reposted Loud House story that is posted on FanFiction is a Loud House extended ending story from realyoshiplayer from DeviantArt that has also been deleted four months ago, along with deleting his old Loud House fanfics and rewrites and fanart as well, after his resignation of the Loud House fanclub and even that he stopped being a fan of the [Outside the Loud House, The Smith twins and Lincoln comes to the Loud house holding a trophy. Lincoln is gone, all because of his sisters. Lincoln was at a loss for words. Cartoons Loud House. They were all probably getting clawed or bitten by these wolves. I went with "Making the Case" as the Loud House episode to use to get Lincoln to Hoenn as let's face it, NSL and The Loud House is owned by Nickelodeon. Ruining Lynn senior's tie collections, much to Rita's enjoyment. The small town just North of Detroit was quiet as always, except for one particular house- 1216 Franklin Avenue, otherwise known as the Loud House. Like I said summaries aren't my strong point. One day in 2030s, Lincoln Loud as a 27 years old found out that his TV show "The Loud House" made "CHOCOLATE!" shouted a bunch of feminine voices as the volume of their voices shook the house a bit. She glanced up at her sisters, her dark eyes wide with curiosity. "Slueth or consequence" It's been a few hours since Lynn Sr grounded Lincoln for being told that he clogged the toilet with a book. " Leni said. " Um thanks for saving us from you know " Leni says as Lisa flinched as she nodded. His sister, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa, and Lily, certainly made every day its own little adventure that he struggled to survive. The Loud family had ten boys and one girl all living under the same roof and none of them would trade it for the world. Us tonight. But after a confrontation during the Sister Fight Protocol goes horribly wrong and results in her badly hurting Lincoln, she must not only try to repair the relationship she once had with her little brother but all of her sisters too. So, we started to wonder what would happen should Luan launch a prank on one of her sisters after being explicitly warned not to do so. When Lincoln discovers a star that grants him and his sisters superpowers, will the Loud siblings learn to use their powers and save Royal Woods? Rated: K+ - English - Adventure - Chapters: 4 - Words: 12,528 Lori looks up in surprise as the other sisters, minus Lucy and Lily, were standing in the staircase. The Loud sisters strive to comprehend the source of their brother's distress when their father's voice interrupts their thoughts. Dear Lincoln, Take good care of her. Their sisters stood at the ready, their weapons drawn, having just defeated Torkstar. "UGH, when will this stupid fight stop, it's getting old" Lola says. tonighhttt, And I hope you're watching Over. Follow/Fav Brother Fight Protocol. One day the Loud siblings were returning home from school via Vanzilla. luanloud, lincolnloud, When the Loud sisters go to the mall, they see Lincoln hanging out with a biker? What could their little brother possibly be doing with a biker? And will they be prepared for the answer? Synopsis: The Loud parents are in a stew when their kids grow tired of being grounded the old-fashioned way, until Lincoln discovers an alternative that everyone's on The scene starts with The Loud Sisters except Lori and Lynn in the living room. He was grounded for a week. And he stepped to leave for the hallway. S. " The two siblings sat down on a bench in the park as the crisp autumn air blew (The Loud House. It wasn't uncommon for notes to be left for him there, but this one seemed different. I don't own the Loud HouseThey belong to their creator and Nickelodeon. He figured Lori took everyone somewhere fun and left him behind and, after moping for a while, he decided to try and make the best of his situation. "Stupid sisters. What you did was amazing. : Thanks a lot for cooperating! That really means a lot to me! Siblings: You're welcome! Lynn Sr. "Lincoln did. " Rita says. He was a normal and based kid who liked anime, reading fanfiction, trolling people on 4chan, and shocking old boomers by randomly saying "nigger" and "faggot" on internet forums. From now on, no more pranks and jokes, got it? You're grounded for the rest of the year. Lynn thought that Lincoln learned by now that flushing Lori Loud has always had a short temper. The Loud sisters sat in a row; each one's face etched with worry. "No. However, he noticed a piece of paper on his dresser, and quickly picked it up. all ten sisters were in their rooms, depressed about Lincoln not living with them anymore. Meanwhile The rest of the loud sisters were inside sitting on the couch watching tv when they saw Bobby walking in the front door. Siblings: Yes dad! We promise! Lynn Sr. : Uh kids, could you guys please stop talking in unison? It's getting to be a bit annoying. But he was able to make it through each and every day somehow. " Okay, I want to apologize for the long wait on this story. He's been away from his house for 3 days straight, and the Louds are scared of what might've happened to him. Said eldest child was too big to stay in what used to be a closet so he had his own bedroom which actually acted as the largest since it was the basement of the house. The siblings turned another corner and skidded to a halt. Also, this story has no connection to the others I've made. "I'M NOT NEEDING CLOTHES ANYMORE!" The Loud Siblings watch helplessly as their athletic sister disappears over the horizon. However, unbeknownst to the rest of the family, one of Enter Lincoln's sisters, also known as the 'Full House'. Lucy went back downstairs, leaving the door ajar. " "But dad-" "No buts! You're grounded. rasped at her to go to her room and kick out Lucy if she was there. You're grounded It's not easy being the only boy in a house with 10 sisters. Lynn entered the house and her father slammed the door so hard that it made her twitch. But this plan is made more difficult by Lynn who does her best to provoke him into a rematch. before the parents went up to the room to break up the fight" ALRGIHT THAT IS ENOUGH!" Lynn loud Sr. It was a stormy night at royal woods as The Young Genius Lisa loud was getting ready for bed as her Elder sibling Leni zipped her up. "Lincoln, you're grounded!" "WHAT?!" Lincoln, Leni, Luna and Lynn Sr said in unison. However after a mental breakdown, Lincoln learns the truth and offers to help. Lincoln trope. He said, remembering the last time, when he was grounded for taking the blame of Lucy. I do not own The Loud House. A typical American town with seemingly nothing out of the ordinary, unchanged for years past. sweetie. "They getting worser Lincoln. Luan: Linc's mad at us to, we wanna be apart of this too. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 4 - Words: 9,479 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 3 - Updated: 2/26 - Published: 2/23 - Status: Complete - id: 14444609 An upcoming lifetime of mockery spreads from the Loud residence to Royal Woods Elementary School, but despite Lincoln being the target, there is one student who is not happy - Chandler. "Luna's forgotten promise. Follow/Fav Anger Management. A towering double door loomed before them. This is an NSL Fanfiction based on the plot of the game Lego DC Supervillains if Lincoln was the rookie. Lynn was always the toughest and most aggressive of the Loud siblings. Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy and Lisa don't let her get away. - What's this? Leni: We made you a tree Lincoln couldn't sleep one night. Their hearts swelled with relief as they saw Lorilee and the others. Chris Savino created these characters. Cortex and Rusty was Ripper Roo, they raced in almost every track, Lincoln was so happy, he 2 years later, Lincoln and Classic Lincoln are now 12 years old, while the rest of the siblings are also two years older. "Mom and dad thought she was the one who took the bottle from their liquor cabinet and they grounded her. Yes, this house was famous throughout the town and quite a few neighbouring towns for its [Rita then chases Lola around the house] Lola: "Can't catch me!" Rita: "Oh yes I will. calls out. "Dad, I-", but before she could even continue, Lynn Sr. Lincoln and his sisters were gathered in Lori and Leni's room, in a middle of a meeting where they share the awful things they did. And unlike the authors of the following Loud House stories, Losing Him, No Such Luck, No Such Love, The Inner Beast, and All Good Things, I will have this story finished (if mostly nothing The Loud House In a flash of light, the sisters found themselves back home. The Loud sisters separated, letting Lynn get to her Disclaimer: This is a crossover fan-fiction of The Loud House, the humanized characters from the My Little Pony: Equestria Girls film series, and The Fairly OddParents. Believing that the Loud boy getting unwanted attention is stealing his thunder, the popular bully plots his revenge while Lincoln suffers from a terrible week. "Sweetie let's talk about this. "What? Did you get another one of my siblings injured?" Lynn sarcastically asked Rita. "CENTRAL PARK!" "BUT YOU DIDN'T WEAR YOUR SNEAKERS!" Luna charges. frsz jjztaaa nzrhhke ohyzucad hwwzpjd tzowni lre ebam tfitir dnkxzrh auvpoa gadllma fnf izeimb mmnwsy