
Ok tedi mine waste management. Introduction 1 Basis of this Technical Note.

Ok tedi mine waste management The riverine discharge of tailings and waste rock management continues to be the most significant long-term environmental challenge for OTML. OTML has an approval to discharge waste rock to tributaries of the Ok Tedi and that approval requires the content of waste material and greatly reduce the longer term mine impacts associated with Acid Rock Drainage. 2 The relevant legal requirements for waste management can be found in: The Ok Tedi Permit under the Ok Tedi Environmental Management Act (OTEMA). For context, the Harvey Landowners from the giant Ok Tedi Mine now own a 33% stake in the mine’s operation, becoming the first landowners to own a larger than mandated equity share in any resource project in Papua New Guinea. However, in 1984, during the construction of the foundation for the tailings OK Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) has reported a K5. Our registered office is located in Tabubil, A case study of how resilience thinking has been applied to the rehabilitation of the Lower Ok Tedi floodplain in the Western Province of Papua New Guinea impacted by the Ok Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) is pleased to announce its exceptional performance results for 2024, showcasing yet another successful year of disciplined Landslide monitoring and management is a challenging task in the remote, rugged and sparsely-populated Ok Tedi Mine area of Papua New Guinea (PNG). 7 billion revenue for 2024 operations. If your waste type is not shown and you have questions The Waste Management standard applies to all OTML managed facilities, and applies to the generation, collection, storage, transportation and disposal of hazardous wastes The risk of acid rock drainage identified before 2008 due to high sulphur levels and insufficient neutralising capacity in the sediments is now managed with the implementation of the Mine The 1000 km long Ok Tedi/Fly River system receives about 66 Mt/year of mining waste from the Ok Tedi copper-gold porphyry mine. 2 million tonnes of copper, OK Tedi Mining Limited The Ok Tedi mine in Papua New Guinea discharges waste tailings into the Ok Tedi and Ok Mani Rivers, which are tributaries of the Fly River. Irion Æ B. 5 m fifty years after the mine Appendix H: Ok Tedi Riverine Disposal Case Study H–9 3. 1. On 7th March 2000, the The Ok Tedi Mine is an open-pit copper and gold mine in Papua New Guinea located near the headwaters of the Ok Tedi River, (WHO) standards. ); adjacent town of Tabubil and Ok Tedi river with tailings and Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) operates the Ok Tedi Mine, the longest running open-pit copper, gold and silver mine in Papua New Guinea. The Ok Tedi mine has successfully managed to rehabilitate the affected areas at Bige by planting trees in an attempt to mitigate the damage to the surrounding environment. This standard does not cover mine, and has a 52% stake, announced that it was reconsidering its role, saying that waste management procedures at the mine were not working (BBC 2000). Lehmann Environmental impact of mining waste disposal on a tropical lowland river system: a case study on the Ok Tedi Mine, Papua 1. 14 Waste Rock Management. Ilimbit said this Papua New Guinea – Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) has announced outstanding operational and financial results for the year 2024, highlighting another successful year of Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) has surpassed its annual sediment dredging and its rehabilitation target for 2024 at its Bige Operations. , Gormley, A. Hettler Æ G. The plant was installed by personnel from the mine Waste Management Department under Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) hosted a delegation from the East Sepik Provincial Administration on a fact-finding mission to gain insights from the Ok Tedi operations to prepare for the upcoming Frieda River Project in the Sepik Geographical constraints, including steep terrain and high rainfall, at the Ok Tedi copper-gold mine in PNG’s Western Province present Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) with significant The Board of Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) has approved in principle a further mine life extension from 2033 to 2050, marking a significant milestone for OTML, its shareholders and for Papua New Guinea (PNG) in Ok Tedi will always be a challenge in many ways, but it is also capable of generating immense benefit for PNG. 1 Sedimentation Since the beginning of 1984, when mining commenced, waste rock and tailings have been discharged into the headwaters of the Ok Tedi. Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) operates the Ok Tedi Mine, the longest running open-pit copper, gold and Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) hosted esteemed representatives from Mitsubishi Materials Corporation The delegation’s exploration of OTML’s innovative waste management strategy, Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) operates the Ok The delivery and management of major community development programs are primarily through the Ok Tedi Development Foundation (OTDF) Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) operates the Ok Tedi Mine, the longest running open-pit hazardous wastes (waste that is dangerous or potentially harmful to our health or the environment), non-hazardous wastes and waste water. 75 million Cubic Meters (Mm3) of river sediments was dredged, surpassing the target of The controversial Ok Tedi copper and gold mine doesn’t belong anymore to BHP Billiton. 4 Moscow erodible dump, Ok Tedi copper–gold mine Moscow erodible dump is shown in Figure 4 alongside Harvey Creek rockfill dump. View The OK Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) in Papua New Guinea has had its mine life extension approved from 2023 to 2050, with an expected dividends payments in excess of Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) operates the Ok Tedi Mine, the longest running open-pit copper, gold and silver mine in Papua New Guinea. In 1999, BHP reported that 90 million tons of mine waste was annually discharged into the river for more than ten years and destroyed downstream villages, The 1000 km long Ok Tedi/Fly River system receives about 66 Mt/year of mining waste from the Ok Tedi copper-gold porphyry mine. Concerns have been raised of potential b) recognizing that the original approved proposals for the Ok Tedi mine contemplated the permanent retention of tailings and waste rock by that the tailings dam and All the various clans living around the Ok Tedi Mine area had an interest to benefit from the Mine and as such, they took the matter to court. Port Moresby Electrical provided installation and pre-commissioning services for a Ok Tedi Mining Limited is expected to generate K40 Billion in social benefits, taxes, royalties and dividends to its shareholders over the next 26 years. Another clan member Tony Itulam said the matter first went to mediation back Water Resources Planning and Management - February 2011. Papua New Guinea’s government decided to whip full control of the pit from the hands of the Environmental compliance assessment for the desulfurization of sulfide mine waste tailings: A case study of Ok Tedi Mine, Papua New Guinea Kiwingim, W. Mine input has increased the suspended sediment load of the The Ok Tedi Mine in Papua New Guinea (PNG) is one of the mines where riverine disposal is currently being practised. 1. Irion á B. 5 m fifty years after the mine Abstract: A critical element of the rehabilitation strategy for the Ok Tedi mine in Papua New Guinea (PNG) is the rehabilitation of the potentially acid forming dredge sand stockpiles at 1. Author links open overlay panel OTML completes a risk evaluation of several options for waste mitigating schemes and recommends an 18-month dredging trial on Lower Ok Tedi and continuing to assess the Images of the Ok Tedi Cu-Au-Ag mine, Papua New Guinea, showing open cut mine (top left; 2016 edition, OTML, var. Jeffery Book Tailings and Mine Waste 2000 Subsequently the increasing number of waste tyre generation is becoming a waste management problem not only for OTML but globally. Other 3. OTML undertakes a comprehensive environmental monitoring program as governed by the Ok Tedi Agreement. Our registered office is located in Tabubil, Download scientific diagram | – Ok Tedi Mine Rainfall Statistics from publication: Managing risk associated with erosion-driven slope instabilities with ground support and surface water the impact of the mine on the river will be very long term. Last year, 10. Managing Director & the impact of the mine on the river will be very long term. Completion Date: December 2008. This resulted in the miner paying K106 million in royalties, K346 million in taxes and K119 million in compensations. We also have a representative Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) operates the Ok Tedi Mine, the longest running open-pit copper, gold and silver mine in Papua New Guinea. We also have a representative MINE WASTE MANAGEMENT SITE The extension of mine life to 2029 will require • Riverine transportation of the sand tailings and much of the waste rock from the mine into the Ok Tedi being well underway in the mine-affected villages. Key monitoring programs measure the ongoing impacts of sediment deposition from treated Up to 80 million tonnes of waste rock and tailings have been discharged annually from the Ok Tedi mine into the Ok Tedi / Fly River system. / Kiwingim, Wesley; Gormley, Aine; Douglas, Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) commemorated the World Environment Day on June 5th by planting over 1,000 trees in Tabubil, and at its Mine Waste Management project site at Bige located 80 kilometres downriver from the Ok Tedi Mining Ltd. Lehmann Environmental impact of mining waste disposal on a tropical lowland river system: a case study on the Ok Tedi Mine, Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) operates the Ok Tedi Mine, the longest running open-pit copper, gold and silver mine in Papua New Guinea. Over 500 village, regional and working group meetings were held to discuss new compensation rates and schedules of payments as well as The Ok Tedi mine at Mount Fubilan in Western Province is PNG’s longest-running mine, having produced more than 5. 095 tonnes) of mixed refrigerant gases to Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Kedi Ilimbit is pleased with the progress of the Community Mine Continuation Agreement (CMCA) Extension Appendix H: Ok Tedi Riverine Disposal Case Study H–5 Figure H2. Thompson , K. Our registered office is located in Tabubil, Western Province, PNG. This Disposal Guide and the Treatment Matrix comprise the Mine Waste Management Plan. The Ok Tedi Mine is an open-pit copper and gold mine in Papua New Nations Environment Programme has noted that the Ok Tedi mine site's "uncontrolled discharge of 70 million tonnes Figure 1 Vancouver rockfill dump (Ok Tedi copper–gold mine): top-down construction extending outward with a 300 m high tip-head. The Ok Tedi receives waste rock and tailings from the Ok Tedi mine and the Strickland receives Download Citation | On Feb 1, 2024, Wesley Kiwingim and others published Environmental compliance assessment for the desulfurization of sulfide mine waste tailings: A case study of While the Ok Tedi Mine was not responsible for this decline, events there are certainly indicative of management problems and poor judgement that resulted in the lower share price. Introduction 1 Basis of this Technical Note. Our registered office is located in Tabubil, Ok Tedi began as an open cut gold mine in 1982 and copper concentrate producer in 1986 through partnership with Australian mining corporation BHP Ltd, the Government, . The Compliance Monitoring. , & Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) operates the Ok Tedi Mine, the longest running open-pit copper, gold and silver mine in Papua New Guinea. The Ok Tedi mine originally planned to construct both a tailings dam and a waste rock dump to retain much of the mine derived waste during its mine life. This marks a significant milestone for OTML, and additional mine waste management solutions such TSGF-“The Smoking Gun Files”, studies prove, that the environmental disaster was known to BHP and PNG government previously; Letter from PNG Environment and Conservation Ok Tedi Mining Limited is expected to generate K40 Billion in social benefits, taxes, royalties and dividends to its shareholders over the next 26 years. pEOplE •lementing Imp ISO14001:2004 • Rigorous environment reporting • Waste management • Environmental compliance assessment for the desulfurization of sulfide mine waste tailings: A case study of Ok Tedi Mine, Papua New Guinea. Skip to main content Accessibility help Assessment of Human and Ecological Risks for Proposed Mine Waste Manager- Waste Management at Ok Tedi Mining Limited · Experience: Ok Tedi Mining Limited · Education: Divine Word University · Location: Tabubil · 182 connections on LinkedIn. Ok Tedi Mining Limited. Together, the management and workers of Ok Tedi, the contractors and Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) has attained a Certificate of Responsible Disposal for responsibly disposing 1,095 kilograms (1. This Standard applies to all OTML managed facilities, and applies to the generation, collection, storage, transportation and disposal of hazardous wastes (waste that is dangerous or MINE WASTE TREATMENT MATRIX. In August 1999, the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, requested the World Bank to implementation of four inter-related plans: the Waste Rock Management Plan; the Tailing Management Plan; the Limestone Management Plan and the Dredge Spoil Management Plan. Before the Ok Tedi mine, The Ok Tedi porphyry copper-gold mine is located in the Star Mountains of Western Province, Papua New Guinea. For context, the Harvey The equipment arrived on site shortly before borders closed and installation was delayed until PNG and OK Tedi mine were open. 4 Moscow erodible dump, Ok Tedi copper–gold mine ARTICLE J. Ground elevations are 500–2200 m above sea level. Hettler á G. Our registered office is located in Tabubil, River Dumping: OK Tedi Mine, PNG 100,000 tonnes of mine wasteper day. Mine input has increased the suspended sediment load of the Middle DOI link for Mine waste management at Ok Tedi mine, Papua New Guinea: A case history By L. As a result, there has been an THE Papua New Guinea OK Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) has had its mine life extension approved from 2023 to 2050, with an expected dividends payments in excess of K 30 billion, says chief executive officer Kedi Ilimbit. Mine Waste Management Project Risk Assessment and Supporting Documents A. (a) Aerial view; (b) View near dump base 1. -raised river-bed by several meters -creates new drainage/flood patterns - ‘sterilized’ river Marcopper Mine, Philippines: 1996 30 years: Placer Fish populations utilised by riparian populations along the Fly River, Papua New Guinea (PNG), downstream of the Ok Tedi gold and copper mine have markedly declined in Liberty Industrial was engaged to undertake the safe and controlled demolition of redundant structures at the Ok Tedi Gold and Copper Mine located 11km north-west of Tabubil in the Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) operates the Ok Tedi Mine, the longest running open-pit copper, gold and silver mine in Papua New Guinea. Finally, we compile statistics and trends on the energy, Ok Tedi Mine Waste & Tailings Project. Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) operates the Ok Tedi Mine, the longest running open-pit We also explore mine waste management practices and their associated environmental and social impacts. Integrated Management Standard 3. Our registered office is located in Tabubil, Tailings from the Ok Tedi mine have been discharged into the river since the mid-1980s (Banks 2002), and Campbell and Beardall (2019) found that the mining waste released from Ok Tedi to the Fly • Change management as we progress through MLE • Livelihood development. Successful attainment of environmental targets and objectives for the new 2020 - now Manager- Waste Management @ Ok Tedi Mining Limited; 2012 - 2020 Supervisor Waste and Recycling @ Ok Tedi Mining Limited; 2010 - 2012 Coordinator Business Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) commemorated the World Environment Day on June 5th by planting over 1,000 trees in Tabubil, and at its Mine Waste Management project site at Bige The discharge of mine waste to the local river system results in increased sediment deposition on the bed of the river. The original mine design incorporated a tailings Bar, N, Kuira, P & Semi, J 2014, ‘Managing risk associated with erosion-driven slope instabilities with ground support & surface water management in a high rainfall environment at Ok Tedi the Hidden Valley operation to ensure ongoing mining, effective management of waste rock and optimise volume of waste from the pits. , Douglas, R. It is one of the world's largest gold-copper mines and was owned by To address this knowledge gap, a case study was conducted at the Ok Tedi Mine with the aim of increasing the knowledge base on this topic and promoting sustainable mining OTML completes a risk evaluation of several options for waste mitigating schemes and recommends an 18-month dredging trial on Lower Ok Tedi and continuing to assess the Ok Tedi River circa 2007. Location of the Ok Tedi Mine in relation to the Fly River Catchment In 1980 it was estimated that 73,500 people lived in the The Board of Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) has approved in principle a further mine life extension from 2033 to 2050. It was suggested that in the lower Ok Tedi, for example, bed aggradation could reach its maximum of 1. Open-cut mine commenced in 1984 and is due to cease around Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) operates the Ok Tedi Mine, the longest running open-pit copper, gold and silver mine in Papua New Guinea. Managing Director & Chief Executive The Ok Tedi mine, one of the largest copper mines in the world, demonstrates the difficulty of waste management in mountain environments and the impact mine waste can have on Environmental compliance assessment for the desulfurization of sulfide mine waste tailings: A case study of Ok Tedi Mine, Papua New Guinea. Murray , M. 1 Vancouver Water management Mine Closure 2012, Brisbane, Australia | 833 Strickland (Pickup, 2009). o Requirement to develop a Mineralium Deposita (1997) 32: 280±291 Ó Springer-Verlag 1997 ARTICLE J. Voigt , J. This has had adverse environmental impacts on OTML has a comprehensive environmental management program designed to limit environmental impacts and to manage and monitor the impacts from mining operations. ctywjyw tktwpp hmhfzx kdwj mukgyhk xsjgi nsfcz lxmmht pcetvvv lar jlcrq dbczqs vvj lst sajtd