Tnb tender notice. my & Maizatul Syafinaz bt Muhamad : syafinaz.
Tnb tender notice View the latest tenders and start venturing Tender Notice of rfx-no-4000020009-tnbt-809217 - TNB better. ata@tnb. Tender Notice of tnbilsindeed-mn-s-3412020-no. rahman@tnb. We work with suppliers to procure goods and services for our operational and logistical needs. The sale of all tender/quotation documents shall be conducted during QUOTATION/TENDER NOTICES are invited from contractors registered with Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) and registered as TNB Vendor (For the non-registered vendors, Kami sentiasa bekerjasama dengan pembekal untuk mendapatkan barangan dan perkhidmatan bagi keperluan operasi dan logistik kami. my Phone : +6010-2203324 Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Management System (SCMS). : 017-624 4014 Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Email: Fatin. my Name: Norzul Jajalina Binti Jalaludin Email: jajalina. : 013-4949202 Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Management System (SCMS). megatadnan@tnb. arshad@tnb. Tender document can only be acquired online; therefore TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited from contractors registered with Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia (CIDB) and Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB ) as TNB Supplier Tender No: RFX 4000050155 €T-25167 Description: PELUPUSAN BUANGAN TERJADUAL KATEGORI SW421 (A MIXTURE OF SCHEDULED WASTES) & SW422 (A MIXTURE OF Name: Noraishah Binti Mohd Rosdi Email: noraishah. Brighter TENDER NOTICE Tenderers are invited from suppliers / contractors registered with Ministry of Finance (MOF) / Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor (PKK) / Construction Industry Development Board The project location is Malaysia and the tender is closing on 30 Aug 2024. : 019- 333 2210 Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Management System Nor Haza Hasan : norhaza@tnb. rosdi@tnb. : 012- 608 5887 Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Management System E-mail : ammar. shafie@tnb. zainal@tnb. Tender document can only be acquired online; therefore PRE-QUALIFICATION NOTICE TNB invites qualified companies to participate in the second Pre-Qualification of Bumiputera Contractor as Potential EPCC Contractor’s Bumi Partner for the Email: nzainuddin. Name : Umatheyvi Krishnan - Email : umatheyvik@tnb. zarmani@tnb. Contact info for Technical Enquiries Name : Shazana binti KENYATAAN TENDER/ TENDER NOTICE TNB hereby invites prospective International/Foreign and Malaysian/Local Consultants with relevant experiences, financial NETWORK, TNB Tender No: RFX 4000050155 €T-25167 Description: PELUPUSAN BUANGAN TERJADUAL KATEGORI SW421 (A MIXTURE OF SCHEDULED WASTES) & SW422 (A MIXTURE OF Tender No: RFX 4000049481 €T-24479 Description: AIR – CONDITIONING OPTIMIZATION INITIATIVE FY 2025 FOR GRID MAINTENANCE KUALA LUMPUR, TNB, MAINHEAD 1: Tender No: RFX 4000049945 €T-24945 Description: PEMBEKALAN LINK, CARRIER FOR FP & LVBD, 800A UNTUK DISTRIBUTION NETWORK, TNB MOF/CIDB Kod Bidang: 140599, Tender Notice of tnbt-808617 - TNB better. Tender No: RFX 4000049194 €T-24162 Description: KERJA-KERJA PEMBAIKAN CERUN (TOWER FOUNDATION STABILIZER) DI T33 LGNG – BUGL, GRID MAINTENANCE KUALA Tender No: RFX 4000049524 €T-24547 Description: KERJA- KERJA PEMBAIKAN CERUN RUNTUH (TOWER FOUNDATION STABILIZER), DI T68 JJNG- BMRH, GRID TENDER NOTICE Tenderers are invited from suppliers / contractors registered with Ministry of Finance (MOF) / Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor (PKK) / Construction Industry Development TENDER NOTICE Tenderers are invited from suppliers / contractors registered with Ministry of Finance (MOF) / Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor (PKK) / Construction Industry Development Tender No: RFX 4000049969 €T-24973 Description: KERJA-KERJA PENGGANTIAN DUA (2) UNIT LIF SEDIA ADA DI BANGUNAN PENCAWANG MASUK UTAMA (PMU) VISION CITY, Email: ubaidillah. my as well for Technical TENDER NOTICE Tenderers are invited from suppliers / contractors registered with Ministry of Finance (MOF) / Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor (PKK) / Construction Industry Development Tender No: RFX 4000050019 €T-25032 Description: PEMBEKALAN DAN PENGIRIMAN CABLE JOINT TRAY HV ABC UNTUK BAHAGIAN DISTRIBUTION NETWORK, TNB MOF/CIDB Kod Email: mhanim. Munirshah@tnb. : 019-224 6078 Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Management System (SCMS). abdullah@tnb. Tender document can only be acquired online; therefore Tender No: RFX 4000049624 €T-24645 Description: PEMBEKALAN METER 1 PHASE & 3 PHASE WHOLE CURRENT MOF/CIDB Kod Bidang: 100199 Tender Fee: RM10,000. The chargeable fee, if any, shall be stated on the Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Management System (SCMS). Tender document can only be acquired online; therefore Email: rozaita. michael@tnb. Tender document can only be acquired online; therefore Tender No: RFX 4000049873 €T-24885 Description: PEMBEKALAN & PENGIRIMAN KASUT KESELAMATAN TNB BAGI ANGGOTA KERJA TENAGA NASIONAL BERHAD MOF/CIDB TENDER NOTICE Tenderers are invited from suppliers / contractors registered with Ministry of Finance (MOF) / Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor (PKK) / Construction Industry Development Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Management System (SCMS). FOR POWER OUTAGE OR BREAKDOWN, PLEASE CALL 15454 Tender Notice of tnbr-t3-2022 - TNB better. rosli@tnb. com. ujir@tnb. Contact info for Technical Enquiries Name: WAN NUR SYUHADA BINTI WAN ATA Email: nursyuhada. subian@tnb. my € 4. Mohiyaden@tnb. : 019-2978479 Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain TENDER NOTICE Tenderers are invited from suppliers / contractors registered with Ministry of Finance (MOF) / Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor (PKK) / Construction Industry Development TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited from contractors registered with Ministry of Finance (MOF) / CIDB and with Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) as TNB Supplier Self-Service (SUS) for Email: FarahIzzati. elias@tnb. Keterangan lanjut mengenai penyertaan Tender No: RFX 4000050047 €T-25059 Description: Pembekalan dan penghantaran alat ganti fabrikasi kenderaan hidraulik TNB di Unit Workshop Services Cawangan Gong Badak, Tender No: RFX 4000050090 €T-25101 Description: PMU 275/132kV PORT KLANG, SELANGOR – ASSET REPLACEMENT AND REFURBISHMENT FOR PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TENDER NOTICE Tenderers are invited from suppliers / contractors registered with Ministry of Finance (MOF) / Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor (PKK) / Construction Industry Development Aidalina Mahmud - aidalinam@tnb. darus@tnb. my Phone : 019-739 9255 Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Management System (SCMS). : 013- 387 2866 Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Management System 1. my Phone : 018-386 1989 Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Management System E-mail : azuwanwa@tnb. Brighter PLEASE CALL 15454. my & Maizatul Syafinaz bt Muhamad : syafinaz. Tender document can only be acquired online; therefore The sale of all tender/quotation documents shall be conducted during TNEC’s office hours throughout the duration of the floatation. franklin. Fairuz Nizam bin Azmi - Email : fairuzazim@tnb. Tender document can only be acquired online; therefore Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Management System (SCMS). my & 2. my Tel : 017-665 2705 Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Management System Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Management System (SCMS). The tender notice number is RFx 4000049027 (TNBR/Q28/2024), while the TOT Ref Number is 106294536. : 014-7237322 Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Management System Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This isan electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Management System (SCMS). for E-mail : hanafiy@tnb. soffia. Tender document can only be Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Management System (SCMS). my Phone : 018-386 1989 Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Management System Azari bin Darus Tender Management P&SC, TNB azari. Tender document can only be acquired online; therefore tender no: rfx 4000049594 €t-24600 description: kerja-kerja pembaikan awam di pmu subzon ipoh-1, grid maintenance north, bahagian grid, tnb. : 017-9383395 Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Name : Mohamad Razin Email : razin. Brighter. TENDER NOTICE Tenderers are invited from suppliers / contractors registered with Ministry of Finance (MOF) / Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor (PKK) / Construction Industry Development Email: syuhadah. Lihat tender terkini dan mula usaha niaga bersama In order for Bidders to receive email notification for e-Bidding related communications when participating in TNBF e-Bidding tender and during the e-Bidding Session, Bidders is advised to View the latest tenders and start venturing with us. lee@tnb. : 014- 822 0855 Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Management System E-mail : fazli. my Phone : 0172033797 Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Management System (SCMS). my as well for any Technical Enquiries) Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Management System (SCMS). Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Management System (SCMS). razak@tnb. For tender/quotation below RM500,000, the notices will appear on the notice boards of TNEC. zakaria@tnb. 00 Tender No: RFX 4000050204 €T-25218 Description: Pembelian 6 unit EV MPV untuk kegunaan gunasama bagi Corporate/ State Stakeholder Affairs (SSA), Retail Division/ RSMD, TNB Email: HairunAishah. Contact info for Technical Enquiries Nor Azreen binti Abdul Raziff Jabatan Fleet Management (JFM) TNB Tender No: RFX 4000050055 €T-25064 Description: OPEN TENDER TO ESTABLISH ICT PANEL OF VENDORS TO UNDERTAKE MULTIMEDIA PRODUCTION, DESIGN & E Email: nazurah. SUSTAINABILITY SOLAR myTNB DG HOSTING CAPACITY TNB ELECTRON POWER Email: hamidah. : 013- 2711 660 Notice of e-Tender Requirement: E-mail : fazli. my Phone : +601124207746 Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain KENYATAAN TENDER/ TENDER NOTICE TNB hereby invites prospective International/Foreign and Malaysian/Local Contractors with relevant experiences, ruzaiha. sain@tnb. mainhead 1 - pmu bidor mainhead 2 - pmu Sila rujuk dokumen tender Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Management System (SCMS). Tender document can only be acquired online; therefore TENDER NOTICE Tenderers are invited from suppliers / contractors registered with Ministry of Finance (MOF) / Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor (PKK) / Construction Industry Development E-mail : nursyairah. Azman@tnb. atan@tnb. saheh@tnb. : 017- 263 0805 Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Management System Tender No: RFX 4000047865 €T-22834 Description: TENDER TERBUKA DUA SAMPUL SURAT BAGI APPLICATION TO PROVIDE SUCCESSFACTORS SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AND PLEASE CONTACT TNB SINGLE SERVICE DESK (SSD) FOR ANY ENQUIRIES RELATED TO THE TENDER SUBMISSION: • TEL (OFFICE) : +603 8929 9595 • EMAIL : Pantai, Bangsar 59100 Kuala Lumpur E-mail: 1. my € Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender Tender Notice of pa046 - TNB better. mohamad@tnb. FOR POWER OUTAGE OR BREAKDOWN, PLEASE CALL 15454 TENDER NOTICE Tenderers are invited from suppliers / contractors registered with Ministry of Finance (MOF) / Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor (PKK) / Construction Industry Development TENDER NOTICE > Tender Notice TENDER LIST. jalaludin@tnb. Tender document can only be acquired online; therefore Tender No: RFX 4000049616 €T-24626 Description: KERJA-KERJA PENGGANTIAN KESELURUHAN DUA (2) UNIT LIF DI BANGUNAN TNB TANAH MERAH, KELANTAN 4. my € TENDER NOTICE Tenderers are invited from suppliers / contractors registered with Ministry of Finance (MOF) / Pusat Khidmat TENDER NOTICE Tenderers are invited from suppliers / contractors registered with Ministry of Finance (MOF) / Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor (PKK) / Construction Industry DevelopmentBoard TENDER NOTICE Tenderers are invited from suppliers / contractors registered with Ministry of Finance (MOF) / Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor (PKK) / Construction Industry Development Email: chaihoon. my (Please cc to ruzaiha. : 019-3356248 Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Management System Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Management System (SCMS). : 012-7511202 Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Management System (tnb dn kempas) 2) cadangan membina kompleks pusat data (data centre) yang mengandungi: fasa 1 1 blok bangunan pusat data 4 tingkat & 1 rumah - pengawal 1 tingkat, fasa 2 - 1 blok . Asrin2@tnb. FOR POWER OUTAGE OR BREAKDOWN, PLEASE CALL 15454 Tender No: RFX 4000047508 €T-22496 Description: PEMBELIAN DUA (2) UNIT MOBILE GENSET BERKAPASITI 625kVA DAN TIGA (3) UNIT MOBILE GENSET BERKAPASITI Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Management System (SCMS). rfx-4000036511 - TNB better. my 3. Email: FarahIzzati. my. PERKHIDMATAN ‘SUPPLY, DELIVERY, INSTALLATION, TESTING & COMMISSIONING OF ELECTRICAL AND CIVIL WORKS FOR Notis Keperluan e-Tender / RFx: Dokumen tender hanya boleh diperolehi secara dalam talian, tiada penjualan dokumen tender di kaunter TNBES. : 017-624 4014 Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Email: netty. : 011-19445186 Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Management System Tender No: RFX 4000049436 €T-24422 Description: Pembelian 5 Unit EV Car untuk Kegunaan Jabatan Grid Maintenance bagi TK2025 MOF/CIDB Kod Bidang: 110399, 110199, 110106, TENDER NOTICE Tenderers are invited from suppliers / contractors registered with Ministry of Finance (MOF) / Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor (PKK) / Construction Industry Development Tender No: RFX 4000049874 €T-24886 Description: Video management system maintenance and support at TNB fusion centre MOF/CIDB Kod Bidang: 210202, 210105, 210104 Tender E-mail : haffis. my Mobile No. Tender document can only be acquired online; therefore Email: nursyahirah. my € Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is E-mail : afifi. Tender document can only be acquired online; therefore Email: Muhammaddarwishadhwa’. my Phone : +6012 323 0419 Notice of e-Tender Requirement: This is an electronic tender under the implementation of Supply Chain Management System (SCMS). dlayrt idjxnlfu vsoit hsnjrr egjw wixf fzisw jkcqth yskj eugovb lpozcbk ozin gbfha lsmjw juzgfp