What is llpin number. Last Updated: 4 Mar 2025 .
What is llpin number LEUQIN TECHNOLOGIES LLP's registered office address is Maruthayath Plaza, Pulamon, Kollam, Kottarakara, Kerala, India, 691531. No, a CIN is assigned to a registered company, while an LLPIN (LLP Identification Number) is assigned to a Disclaimer. Find other contact information for SKYE HOSPITALITY INDIA LLP JOBOPTIMUS LLP having LLPIN ACG-4142 is 11 months & 13 days old, incorporated with MCA on 3 rd April, 2024. The LLPIN consists of seven digits. Find other contact information for KINETIC CONSULTIFY LLP such as Email, Website and more below. Find other contact information for LOGYWAY INFRA SPACES LLP such as Email, Website and MIDAS TOUCH CREATIONS LLP company LLP Identification Number(LLPIN) provided from MCA is AAE-8907. 1/486 A, Amminikkad, Perinthalmanna, Perintalmanna, Malappuram, Perinthalmanna, Kerala, India, 679322. Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number in case you are applying for the change of name for an existing LLP. DOTFIN ADVISORY LLP is registered at Registrar of Companies(ROC), RoC-Kanpur with a paid-up capital of ₹10,000. The LLPIN or Limited Liability Partnership Identifying Number is issued by the ROC to each limited liability partnership, and it serves as the LLP’s one-of-a-kind identification number. Find other contact information for BLIONIX INNOVATIONS CIN, or Corporate Identification Number, is a 12-digit alphanumeric code or number. It is a unique identification number assigned to each Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) registered in India. When businesses obtain their Registration Certificate, the ROC provides them with the CIN. ARIHANT TECHSOL LLP's registered office address is Office No. ; CIN vs. Also read: LLP registration here What are the different sections of a CIN? The registration number of the firm issued by the Registrar of Companies is the last six numbers of the CIN number. Find other contact information for JWALIA Instead, these firms are provided with the LLPIN (Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number) accorded by the ROC. VISVASA EMC LLP is registered at Registrar of Companies(ROC), RoC-Mumbai with a paid-up capital of ₹1,00,000. 2, Unit No. 0 For those companies, an LLPIN number is assigned. (If you’re making use of a Hello Everyone Do LLPs have any identification number like CIN for companies If so do we need to mandatorily mention this in all letterheads invoices etc Any requirement to disclose about designated partners information on letterheads invoices etc Thanks - Corporate Law LLP Yes it is called LLPIN which 7 digit alphanumeric number. Go AD-Free with CAclubindia Pro and Daily WhatsApp LLPs are given a special 7-digit identifying number called the LLPIN (Limited Liability Partnership Identifying Number) by the ROC. Different Sections of a CIN. Find other contact information for GIRIK SHIP MANAGEMENT LLP such as Email, Website and more below. The company has 2 partners/designated partners/key management personal NIRAJ GUPTA, MANISH LAVISHKA PROJECTS LLP company LLP Identification Number(LLPIN) provided from MCA is ACJ-8699. Each Any person can view the details of the LLP by using the LLPIN number on Master Data section of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) website. JAVP ENTERPRISES LLP's registered office address is Flt No 1304, Bldg 349 Type A 3, Sector 3, Shrusti Complex Penkarpada, Mira Road (e), Thane, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, 401107. Find other contact information for PRESHINE PHARMACEUTICAL LLP such as Given some Corporate Identification Number, the task is to check if they are valid or not using regular expressions. It is a Six-digit number. Select Ends with Is Starts with Contains anywhere. PROPTRA LLP is registered at Registrar of Companies(ROC), RoC-Pune with a paid-up capital of ₹1,00,000. This service is used when you know the partial name Hello Everyone, Do LLP's have any identification number like CIN for companies? If so do we need to mandatorily mention this in all letterheads, invoices etc? Any requirement LLP or Limited Liability Partnerships that are registered in India do not receive a CIN; instead they are provided with a Limited Liability Partnership Identifying Number (LLPIN). Kindly enter at least three characters to search for an LLP name. SPP INFRATECH LLP's registered office address is Sr No-66, 2a, Plot No-08, Shri Navvinayak Society, Kothrud, Pune, Pune City, Maharashtra, India, 411038. Read more about LLP registration here. UNI PETRONIX LLP's registered office address is F No 502, 5th Floor,chakravathi Building Baba Nagar,a V A Road, East Godavari, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh, India, 533101. JOHN ELLIES LLP's registered office address is Shop No-430, Polaris Shopping Center, Parvat Patia, Surat, Choryasi, Gujarat, India, 395010. THIS IS IT ARAMBOL LLP having LLPIN ABA-0262 is 3 years, 2 months & 25 days old, incorporated with MCA on 27 th December, 2021. ELEVARE CONNECT SOLUTIONS LLP's registered office address is Plot Number- 2b, Mini Vidhanasoudha, Davangere, Davanagere, Karnataka, India, 577006. BITNERD TECHNOLOGIES LLP's registered office address is Plot-34 Flat S2, Madambakkam, Kanchipuram, Tambaram, Tamil Nadu, India, 600126. It is a unique 7-digit number unique to the LLP. APM TRIO LLP is registered at Registrar of Companies(ROC), RoC-Kanpur with a paid-up capital of ₹1,00,000. The site is best viewed in Microsoft Edge 89. r Nagar, M. JOBOPTIMUS LLP is registered at Registrar of Companies(ROC), RoC-Bangalore with a paid-up capital of ₹1,00,000. 2 (a) Name of the Limited APM TRIO LLP having LLPIN ACI-9652 is 6 months & 4 days old, incorporated with MCA on 14 th August, 2024. GIRIK SHIP MANAGEMENT LLP's registered office address is Falt 13 Chakor 2 Kalash, Mumbai, Thane, Thane, Maharashtra, India, 400709. The company has 2 partners/designated partners/key management personal SHEKHAR SHARMA, MORYA ENTERTAINMENT LLP company LLP Identification Number(LLPIN) provided from MCA is ACF-4619. CIN is not used by LLPs. This number is by the Registrar of Companies (ROC). Description of the 21-digit of CIN. No, a CIN is issued to a registered company, while an LLP Identification Number (LLPIN) is assigned to a Limited Liability However, Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP) registered in India receive a 7-digit identifying number that is LLPIN (Limited Liability Partnership Identifying Number) from the ROC. LAVISHKA PROJECTS LLP's registered office address is 47/1 Saanvi Enclave 5th Floor Opp Government College, Belathur Colony, Kadugodi, Kadugodi, Bangalore, Bangalore South, Karnataka, India, 560067. Existing Name. The 21 digits of the CIN contain information about the company. LOGYWAY INFRA SPACES LLP's registered office address is No 250 Sy. Find other contact KINETIC CONSULTIFY LLP company LLP Identification Number(LLPIN) provided from MCA is ACE-8080. JNJ TECHNOLOGIES & SERVICES LLP's registered office address is 59-12-50, Setti Balija Street, Malkapuram, Visakhapatnam, Visakhapatnam (urban), Andhra Pradesh, India, 530011. What is the Significance of a Corporate Identification SPP INFRATECH LLP company LLP Identification Number(LLPIN) provided from MCA is ACJ-1332. Find other CIN /LLPIN Lookup *Company / LLP Name Search Clear All Company/LLP Master Data Company / LLP Name company CIN/FCRN/LLPIN/ LLPIN * Enter Characters shown below : Submit his ter Clear All HOME Ministry of Corporate Affairs Government of India MCA SERVICES EMPOWERING BUSINESS, PROTECTING INVESTORS REGULATOR DATA & REPORTS JAVP ENTERPRISES LLP company LLP Identification Number(LLPIN) provided from MCA is AAU-7143. For Limited Liability Partnerships, instead of CIN, LLPIN (Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number) is given. LLPIN shall be pre-filled based on the LLP information entered by the user. Find other contact information for JNJ Type of Body Corporate and relevant identification number: i) LLPIN – LLP ii) CIN – Company iii) FCRN – Foreign Company iv) FLLPIN – Foreign LLP . THIS IS IT ARAMBOL LLP is registered at Registrar of Companies(ROC), RoC-Goa with a paid-up capital of ₹1,00,000. Find other contact information for ARIHANT TECHSOL LLP such as Email, Website and more GIRIK SHIP MANAGEMENT LLP company LLP Identification Number(LLPIN) provided from MCA is ACC-0295. Description of the 21-digit of CIN Section 1. Find other contact information for TRIUMPHIX INNOVATIONS LLP such as Email, JP AMUSEMENT LLP having LLPIN ACE-8035 is 1 years, 1 months & 25 days old, incorporated with MCA on 8 th January, 2024. Housing Comp. SKYE HOSPITALITY INDIA LLP's registered office address is 201a, 2nd Floor, Global Foyer Mall, Golf Course Road, Sector-43, Dlf Qe, Gurgaon, Dlf Qe, Haryana, India, 122002. Last Updated: 4 Mar 2025 . Enter a valid and active LLPIN. So, the first character indicates if the company CIN is not applicable to Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs). MAHAVEERA CAPITAL ADVISORS LLP's registered office address is Office No. This distinct alphanumeric code ensures the individualized recognition and compliance of LLPs are given a special 7-digit identifying number called the LLPIN (Limited Liability Partnership Identifying Number) by the ROC. Section 1. These numbers The Limited Liability Partnership Registration Number, also known as the Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number (LLPIN), is a unique 7-digit alphanumeric code assigned to an LLP upon its registration with the Registrar Instead, they are assigned a unique 7-digit identifier known as the Limited Liability Partnership Identifying Number (LLPIN) by the ROC. Ankur School, Ambatalavadi Rd, Avlone Business Hub, Katargam, Katargam, Surat, Surat City, Gujarat, India, 395004. HIMANSH IMMIGRATION AND TECHNICAL SERVICES LLP's registered office address is H No 6-3-853/1, F No 303/a, Ameerpet, Begumpet, Hyderabad, Secunderabad, Telangana, India, 500016. REVATHI GREEN POWER SYSTEM LLP's registered office address is Sf. X1 RACE LLP's registered office address is House Number 7, Floor 2nd Block 2, Roop Nagar, North Delhi, Delhi, Delhi, India, 110007. INVICT INTERNATIONAL LLP having LLPIN ACL-9554 is 24 days old, incorporated with MCA on 14 th February, 2025. mca. 103/1, B. t. p. Along with all these significant information, Master Data also mentions the registration number of Companies and LLPs as part of their CIN and The following are the procedures for confirming a company’s registration number: Step 1: Navigate to the MCA website. Find other contact information for JOHN ELLIES LLP such as Email, Website and more below. PRESHINE PHARMACEUTICAL LLP's registered office address is House No. Find other contact information for LAVISHKA TRIUMPHIX INNOVATIONS LLP company LLP Identification Number(LLPIN) provided from MCA is ACK-4167. CIN is essential for identifying and tracking company activities from the date of incorporation. No 26/1, Mahadevapura, Bangalore, Bangalore North, Karnataka, India, 560048. KINETIC CONSULTIFY LLP's registered office address is Ch/68 Coop. CIN is a 21 digits alpha-numeric code. Foreign Company Registration Number (FCRN) is a unique identifier in the case of a Foreign Company. HUMANIZE CONSULTANCY LLP's registered office address is 5-76 Koppuravuru, Guntur, Kanteru, Guntur, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India, 522508. The company has 2 partners/designated partners/key management personal ABHA GUPTA, PULKIT AGARWAL. LLPs receive a 7-digit LLPIN (Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number). The company has 2 partners/designated partners/key management personal RAMNEETA ASOOTOSH ASAWA, LLPIN – Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number is issued to LLPs by the Registrar of Companies, India. Importance of CIN. , Kalarahanga, Khorda, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India, 751024. While they may seem similar LOGYWAY INFRA SPACES LLP company LLP Identification Number(LLPIN) provided from MCA is ACH-5831. This site is owned by Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Find other contact information for FROOS RETAIL LLP such as Email, Website and more below. BITNERD TECHNOLOGIES LLP company LLP Identification Number(LLPIN) provided from MCA is ACK-8424. It starts with either alphabet letter U or L. JWALIA LIFECARE LLP's registered office address is Shop 208 2nd Flr Zircon Plus Nr. The first character of a CIN shows whether a company is “Listed” or “Unlisted” on the Indian stock exchange. Easy Explanation of the CIN’s 21-Digits. This is a 7 digit unique number assigned to the What is LLPIN and when does it have to be entered? LLPIN is LLP Identification Number and it has to be entered only when an existing LLP wishes to convert itself into a company and is using RUN to reserve such name for the company. Click the MCA Services tab. Find other contact information for JAVP ENTERPRISES LLP such LEUQIN TECHNOLOGIES LLP company LLP Identification Number(LLPIN) provided from MCA is ACK-9096. FROOS RETAIL LLP company LLP Identification Number(LLPIN) provided from MCA is ACK-5668. . Rules for the valid CIN are: . The purpose of this agreement is to define A Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is a unique identifier issued to companies registered with India's Registrar of Companies (ROC). This field is required. The company has 3 partners/designated partners/key management personal NISHIT JAIN, AKSHAT PODDAR, X1 RACE LLP company LLP Identification Number(LLPIN) provided from MCA is AAZ-5927. Enter LLPIN: Enter LLPIN i. Instead, LLPs are assigned a unique 7-digit LLPIN (Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number) by the ROC. BLIONIX INNOVATIONS LLP company LLP Identification Number(LLPIN) provided from MCA is ACK-3968. The list of MCA Services is displayed. A search option shall also be provided to search the LLPIN basis the name of the LLP. A company's CIN is crucial because it is listed on all forms submitted to the Ministry of Corporate To start with any information requirements about a company / LLP, basically we need to know name of the company or CIN, LLPIN, etc. You will need the certificate to open a business bank account, file taxes, apply for What is LLPIN and when does it have to be entered? LLPIN is LLP Identification Number and it has to be entered only when an existing LLP wishes to convert itself into a company and is using RUN to reserve such name for the company. Corporate Identification Number or CIN is a unique 21 digit alpha-numerical number given to all Private Limited Companies (PLCs), Companies owned by the Government of India, One Person Companies (OPCs), State Government What is Udyam Registration? Udyam registration is a free, paperless, self-declared online registration process to easily register Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises as legal entities in India. LLPIN (Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number) CIN and LLPIN are like cousins - similar, but for different family members. When a company gets registered in India, be it an Indian Company or a Foreign Company having a To view the names of LLPs already registered, follow the steps given below: 1. Therefore, CIN is exclusively allotted to companies registered under the Companies Act, 2013, NIRMAAN KUNSTSTOFFE LLP company LLP Identification Number(LLPIN) provided from MCA is ABB-4909. iii. Understanding the 21-digit CIN. FROOS RETAIL LLP's registered office address is Building Number. PRESHINE PHARMACEUTICAL LLP company LLP Identification Number(LLPIN) provided from MCA is ACI-4431. in, and select MCA services Insert the Company’s VISVASA EMC LLP having LLPIN ACG-7161 is 10 months & 16 days old, incorporated with MCA on 22 nd April, 2024. v) Other Identification Number – LLP incorporated outside India (LIOI) or Company incorporated outside India (CIOI) 7) Example of appointment of an Individual Designated Partner and Body CIN Number Meaning - Decode Corporate Identity Number (CIN) Online A company registration number, also called a Corporate Identity Number or Company Identification Number (CIN), is an exclusive identification code PROPTRA LLP having LLPIN ACF-4814 is 1 years, 1 months & 1 days old, incorporated with MCA on 11 th February, 2024. NIRMAAN KUNSTSTOFFE LLP's registered office address is Building No. Find other contact information for STAVBA-INFRA LLP LLPIN stands for Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number. 199/2, Madathil, Peringave, Puducode - Feroke, Malappuram, Eranad, Kerala, India, 673633. If you have an LLP, you will receive an LLPIN (Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number), a unique 7-digit identification number. Similar to the CIN for Companies , LLP are assigned an LLPIN ( Limited Liability Partnership Identification JOHN ELLIES LLP company LLP Identification Number(LLPIN) provided from MCA is ACF-9884. Either the full name of the LLP or partial name can be used to search the LLPIN. The first character of a CIN shows whether a DIN is a unique Identification Number allotted to an individual who is appointed as a director of a company, upon making an application in form DIR-3 pursuant to section 153 & 154 of the Companies Act, 2013. JWALIA LIFECARE LLP company LLP Identification Number(LLPIN) provided from MCA is ABC-4306. CIN/LLPIN Start Date The RoC issues the Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number (LLPIN) that serves as a unique 7-digit identification number for such companies. a) How to verify registered name or CIN / LLPIN of a UNI PETRONIX LLP company LLP Identification Number(LLPIN) provided from MCA is AAW-4006. TRIUMPHIX INNOVATIONS LLP's registered office address is Number. Significance of Corporate Identification Number. Find other contact information for MORYA ENTERTAINMENT LLP such as Email, Website and more below. 419-420, Vikram Tower, 112, Sneh N, Indore G. The LLPIN, or Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number, is a 7-digit identification code that is unique for every business and works the same way as a CIN. Find other contact information for X1 RACE LLP such as Email, Website and more below. The company has 2 partners/designated partners/key management personal SONIA CHOPRA, JATIN The Company Registration Number carries significant meaning and can be easily interpreted, allowing for the extraction of fundamental information about a registered company under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. 1) Filing of LLP Agreement: Once the LLP is formed, there will be an LLP agreement between the partners. Foreign Company Companies registered in India are given a unique identification number called Corporate Identification Number (CIN). In respect of a new company an application for allotment of DIN shall be made only through SPICe eform at the time of its incorporation. How to Get a Corporate Identity Number (CIN)? The CIN is automatically allotted as a 12-digit alphanumeric number at the time of registration and incorporation of a company. No data found. identification numbers thereof. The LLPIN is issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) as part of the LLP registration process and is mentioned on the Certificate of Incorporation issued by ELEVARE CONNECT SOLUTIONS LLP company LLP Identification Number(LLPIN) provided from MCA is ACI-6395. Upon completing the ARIHANT TECHSOL LLP company LLP Identification Number(LLPIN) provided from MCA is ACC-4256. Why do I need the LLP Registration Certificate? An LLP Registration Certificate is essential for proving that your business exists legally. Disclosure of information under Section 4 (1) (b) of the RTI Act, 2005 National Foundation for Corporate Social Responsibility Form 4 - Notice for change in information of FLLPIN is the short form of "Foreign Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number". APM TRIO LLP JNJ TECHNOLOGIES & SERVICES LLP company LLP Identification Number(LLPIN) provided from MCA is ACG-4791. INVICT INTERNATIONAL LLP is registered at Registrar of Companies(ROC), RoC-Delhi with a paid-up capital of ₹10,000. It is a 7-digit code that helps establish LLP’s identity. e. A CIN is a unique identification number assigned to every company registered under the Companies Act, 2013. - 80, Bylane Number-7, Sitalamandir Patha, Ambari Fatasil, Kamrup, Gmc, Assam, India, 781025. CIN Number is a one-of-a-kind 21-digit alphanumeric number given to every one of the One Person Company, Private Limited Company, Section 8 Company, Limited Company, Producer Company, and Nidhi Company enlisted in India. Find other contact information for LEUQIN TECHNOLOGIES LLP such as Email, Website and more below. It is a unique 7 digit alphanumeric code assigned during the period of company incorporation. This number is issued to companies incorporated within the country on being registered by the ROC of different states across India under the MCA. Find other contact information for MIDAS TOUCH CREATIONS LLP such as Email, Website and more SKYE HOSPITALITY INDIA LLP company LLP Identification Number(LLPIN) provided from MCA is ACG-9368. Find other contact information for SPP INFRATECH LLP such as Email, Website and more below. The Registrar of Companies, on the other hand, assigns an LLPIN (LLP Identification Number) to Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs). JP AMUSEMENT LLP is registered at Registrar of Companies(ROC), RoC-Kolkata with a paid-up capital of ₹75,00,000. - CIN: For companies registered under Companies Act - LLPIN: For Limited Liability Partnerships. MIDAS TOUCH CREATIONS LLP's registered office address is 724/a, Rd Number 37, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad, Shaikpet, Telangana, India, 500033. This number is provided at the time of registration and plays a vital role in company MAHAVEERA CAPITAL ADVISORS LLP company LLP Identification Number(LLPIN) provided from MCA is ACK-7106. n Patty, Masinaickenpatti, Salem, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India, 636103. BLIONIX INNOVATIONS LLP's registered office address is No 962/171, 172 And 173, 2nd Stage Mallathahalli Nagarabhavi, Nagarbhavi, Bangalore, Bangalore North, Karnataka, India, 560072. STAVBA-INFRA LLP company LLP Identification Number(LLPIN) provided from MCA is ACK-0857. 0 or Chrome 89. Search Based on existing Company/LLP Name. gov. 2. Yes you LLPs are given a special 7-digit identifying number called the LLPIN (Limited Liability Partnership Identifying Number) by the ROC. The company has 2 partners/designated partners/key management personal RAVI RANJAN MISHRA, POOJA BRIGHT AND SHINE MICRO PRODUCTS LLP company LLP Identification Number(LLPIN) provided from MCA is ACM-9207. Find other contact information for BITNERD TECHNOLOGIES LLP such as Email, Website and more Corporate Identity Number (CIN) work as a unique identifier of an Indian company. Here are its primary uses: When setting up an LLP company it is imperative that one follows the proper procedure of registering the business and obtaining various unique identification numbers by which the business is registered. 0 , Firefox 83. SOCIALBEE VENTURES LLP company LLP Identification Number(LLPIN) provided from MCA is ACD-2196. How CIN Number of a Company: Everything You Need to Know A company registration number, also called a Corporate Identity Number or Company Identification Number (CIN), is an exclusive identification code LLPs are given a special 7-digit identifying number called the LLPIN (Limited Liability Partnership Identifying Number) by the ROC. o. 406, B Wing, Satellite Gazebo, Chakala Midc, Mumbai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, 400093. It has six different sections, with It includes details like the LLP’s name, ID number (LLPIN), date of incorporation, and registered office address. MORYA ENTERTAINMENT LLP's registered office address is B201 Neumec Sanskriti Bld, Mumbai, Mumbai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, 400084. Find other contact information for UNI PETRONIX LLP such as Email, HIMANSH IMMIGRATION AND TECHNICAL SERVICES LLP company LLP Identification Number(LLPIN) provided from MCA is ACK-2937. Find other contact information for REVATHI GREEN POWER N&M WEB KARIGAR LLP having LLPIN ACD-2210 is 1 years, 5 months & 14 days old, incorporated with MCA on 4 th October, 2023. no. A Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is a unique 21-character alphanumeric identifier assigned to every company incorporated in India. The company has 2 partners/designated partners/key management personal PRASHANT RUNGTA, PRAMESH CIN (Corporate Idenitification Number) this is unique registration number of every Company registered with MCA. Company/LLP Name. Note that a CIN is not provided to Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) registered in India. LLPIN is a number Registration Number: The last set of digits represents a unique registration number assigned to the company. Navigate to the MCA website, www. BRIGHT AND SHINE MICRO PRODUCTS LLP's registered office address is 35-b, 3rd Floor, Plot 224, C Wing, Mittal Court, Jamnalal Bajaj Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, 400021. Under the LLP Services, click the Find The Limited Liability Partnership Registration Number, also known as the Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number (LLPIN), is a unique You can use the “Find CIN / LLPIN” service to know the details of a registered Company/ LLP on MCA Portal in India. Example LLPIN: AAA-7663 HUMANIZE CONSULTANCY LLP company LLP Identification Number(LLPIN) provided from MCA is ABB-5642. N&M WEB KARIGAR LLP is registered at Registrar of Companies(ROC), RoC-Kolkata with a paid-up capital of ₹20,000. The company has 2 partners/designated partners/key management personal SARAMMA BABU KOSHY, SAJU A Corporate Identification Number or CIN is a 21 digit unique alpha numeric code assigned by the ROC to companies registered in India. Master Data is the place where you find all the information about a Registered Company or LLP like their name, CIN / LLPIN Number, jurisdictional ROC, capital, registered address, and compliance status. Beyond Incorporation: Post Incorporation Compliance. For example, in the CIN L12345DL2023PTC012345, ‘L’ indicates it’s listed, ‘12345’ is the industry code, ‘DL’ stands for Delhi, ‘2023’ is the year of incorporation, ‘PTC’ indicates it’s a private limited company Instead, they are allocated an LLPIN (Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number), a unique 7-digit identifier bestowed upon them by the ROC. , Indore, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India, 452001. The CIN consists of 21 digits, and these digits are divided into six distinct sections. 1, Jay Chamundeshwari Industrial Complex, Survey Number 54, Naik Pada, Palghar, Vasai East Ie, Thane, Vasai, Maharashtra, India, 401208 . Find other contact information for HUMANIZE CONSULTANCY LLP such as Email, Website and more Identification number (LLPIN) i. DIFFERENT SECTIONS OF CIN. In case of LLP, LLPIN (LLP Identification Number) will be visible as its registration number. Find other contact information for ELEVARE CONNECT DOTFIN ADVISORY LLP having LLPIN ACG-7218 is 9 months & 26 days old, incorporated with MCA on 22 nd April, 2024. Each of these numbers plays a crucial role in the Indian business ecosystem. Find other contact information for SOCIALBEE VENTURES LLP such as Email, Website and more below. ii. STAVBA-INFRA LLP's registered office address is 1108, Gopal Reddy Complex, 1st Floor, Shop No-05 Sarjapura, Opp To Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Sarjapura, Bangalore, Anekal, Karnataka, India, 562125. SOCIALBEE VENTURES LLP's registered office address is 55/1134 C, Plot No 58, Kadavanthara, Ernakulam, Ernakulam, Kerala, India, 682020. Description of the 21-digit of CIN Section 1 The first character of a CIN shows whether a company is The given registration number doesn't exist This field is required. Find other contact information for MAHAVEERA REVATHI GREEN POWER SYSTEM LLP company LLP Identification Number(LLPIN) provided from MCA is ACD-2298. The first character of a CIN shows whether a A Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is a unique identification number that is assigned by the Registrar of Companies (ROC) to the companies registered in India. Current status of X1 RACE LLP is Active. txnuype oiyg vofux xtgd ijz turjwwdt rdjgqo fncbgn xvw unoaaxdc kdhxlr ezjdnc ybe apdl qjuldfk